Brave New Pac also has this hard-hitting ad out:
Motley Moose – Archive
Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics
Archive for September 2008
Obama Waffles – It’s Racism for Sale
Cross-posted at Clintonistas for Obama
It’s just incredible.
By denny_crane
By denny_crane
First Two Tracking Polls of the Day Are Out
Rasmussen has Obama a point closer today to McCain than he was yesterday:
McCain 49%
Obama 47
(It was 50-47 yesterday and 49-46 on Saturday.)
Monday Morning Open Thread
It’s Monday. The Wall Street Times is in Full Panic Mode, the markets open in ten minutes and Lehman Brothers is filing Chapter 11.
Who said Monday’s weren’t exciting?
What’s on your open minds?
Monday Morning Open Thread
It’s Monday. The Wall Street times is in Full Panic Mode, the markets open in ten minutes and Lehman Brothers is filing Chapter 11.
Who said Monday’s weren’t exciting?
What’s on your open minds?
“Alaska Women Reject Palin” Rally – 150% the Size of Pro-Palin Rally
Mudflats, a blog by Alaskan AKMuckraker has an article today about a rally – organized by eight women over coffee – held to counter the event welcoming Gov. Palin home from her ordeal answering questions for the first time since being nominated by the GOP for President (er: *Vice* President). The turnout dwarfed the Pro-Palin rally yesterday.
Alaskan Women Reject Palin was, by this account, the *”biggest political rally ever, in the history of the state”*. At least 1,400 people showed up, and to put that in perspective that would be akin to 100,000 New Yorker women showing up to a political rally in New York City (we can be fairly certain no-one took the train from New Jersey to Anchorage or drove up from Philadelphia for the event). This compares to perhaps 1,000 Palin fans who showed up for her event that same day.
Alaska Daily News also has an article with 50 more first-hand pics.
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Palintology; Updated
Yes, it's Palin time again. Finally, Governor Palin is receiving some serious vetting by the main stream press. Two big investigative pieces in the New York Times and the Washington Post have confirmed what many of us suspected from Governor Palin's publicised policies and misdemeanours.
Some people think we should leave this subject alone and concentrate on McCain. But it was McCain who chose Palin, with virtually no vetting, to play the gender card, activate the Christianist base, and catch Obama's team on the (moose) hoof
That they've succeeded in a bounce in the polls is undeniable. Now comes the corollary: what kind of administration has Palin run, and what does this tell us about her potential presidential administration, given that she's running alongside a candidate who would be the oldest President ever elected.
Sunday Open Thread
Happy Sunday, folks!
It’s the Quiet Day, The Gulf of Mexico is slowly draining back into it’s normal confines, and SNL would like someone to ask Palin about Dinosaurs.
What, if anything, is on your minds today?
Public Media Matters
An enormous amount of Public Mass Media has been created this year in this transitional period following thousands of years of State-Controlled Media (see: “Egypt”), and dogging the heels of a few hundred years of Personally-Controlled Mass Media (see: “Rupert Murdoch”). It presages a period that is much discussed and yet to be determined in type and form, and the impact of Public Mass Media is a matter of a great deal of current debate.
Four years ago the blogosphere had produced a set of individuals who had broken onto the public Media stage (see: “Drudge”) and public forums that set the precedents for places like Motley Moose (see: “MyDD” and “DailyKos”). Today there are many individual contributors who have gained a fairly wide audience (see: “Ben Smith”, “”, “”) and a broad gamut of forums where Public Media is created by significant numbers of contributors. Four years from now there will be a pervasive public understanding of how Public Media shapes our culture.
Now, we stand on a brink and often wonder “Does any of this make a difference to what happens in the world?”.
Yes, it does.