Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Shiver Me Timbers! (A Photo Essay)

I’ve been wanting to post a diary here at The Moose for some while now, but have found myself ridiculously busy with work, life, and all the general ad naseum that come along with such things.  Most notable among my preoccupations is the pending addition to our little tribe.


For those of you who don’t know, my significant other and I are expecting a baby Pirate.  Somewhere along the line, we adopted a swashbucklin’ Buccaneer theme.  Friends and family took to the notion, probably because it suits our personalities (we’re relatively young, traditionally rebellious, and fond of tattoos).  The Baby Shower was held under a Jolly Roger, and the nursery is stuffed with all manner of Pirate/Nautical swag.  Two treasure chests even.

September 23rd is our due date, but so far Little Jack is a no-show.  Initially the Docs told us he was due on the 13th, but refined the date after some of their measuring magic (sonograms and all that).  


Evidently, Little Jack has inherited some of my stubbornness, though I’d like to think his Momma imparted her fair share of that particular trait too.  We don’t yet know when he’ll get here, but we’ve scheduled an induction for October 2nd (and drawn up an eviction notice).  I’ll keep ya’ll informed (and provide a photo update).  Given his parents, I suspect he’ll look a little like this:


Here’s the thing:  I want a better world for my Children.  Jack’s not my first.  I’ve got an 11 year old in Rowan:


Rowan is cool.  Johnny Cash cool.  Additionally, my girl has two boys from a previous marriage who have brightened my life immeasurably.  I call them Hambone and Flippy, and I can’t imagine life without them.  So here’s the thing:  This election would be important to me anyway, but these four boys underscore the need to get it right.  We must get Barack Obama into the Oval Office.


This guy has been an unmitigated disaster:


This guy won’t be any better:


Some people won’t vote for Obama because he’s a black man.  True enough.  They work here:


But a great many of us will vote for Obama.  We’ll work our asses off to make sure.  We’ll donate.  We’ll make phone calls.  We’ll canvass.  We’ll register new voters. I will not give up:


We won’t give up.


“Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today.”  –Lincoln


No way!



  1. …more dads like you.

    One solution to that…

    Have more children.

    Another solution…

    Just be a cool guy to everyone’s kids

    Beautiful fogiv, and sums in brilliant up my feelings too about HOPE versus NOPE, and the future for our children. And that ‘our’ is not a real possessive, but a shared sense of responsibility

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