Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

rightwing lunacy

Open Thread: It Was Just Like They Said It Would Be

And it was horrible.

A nightmare. A hit job. A communist manifesto for the new age.

Folks, Rush and the others were right. Today our “president” (if you can rightfully call an unsettlingly BROWN Kenyan usurper “president” of these great white United States) wreaked unimaginable havoc on the minds of our young people. He stood before the best and brightest our great nation has to offer and shat all over our ideals. The tyrant defecated violently all over the Founding Fathers and everything this country has traditionally held dear. Every word oozed socialism and revolution. His every breath stank of the rotting corpse of Karl Marx. The mad ravings of Adolph Hitler rang out through the silence at Obama’s every sinister pause.