One of the most common complaints about the Beltway media is that they are more concerned with process than with policy. That's why we get stories about Boehner improving his image by leading the House Republicans against the stimulus. We also hear about Republicans getting shut out of the debate. When it comes to policy, silence. That is why we never heard a discussion about the merits of the items in the stimulus bill that the Republicans opposed. All we heard were the Republicans belittling such items.
The media is sometimes part of the solution, but more often part of the problem. There are signs that the blogosphere is causing the media to improve their coverage. The signs are few and far between now, however that will change as time goes on. With that in mind, how should the Moose contribute to the discussion? In other words, what do you guys and gals want to read?
- Health care
- Iraq
- Afghanistan
- Economics
- Education
- Income Inequality
- Michelle Obama's Fashion Sense
- Obama's Hidden Marxist Agenda
- John Allen's Obsession with Cooking
- ???