It’s National Fortune Cookie Day. What’s the best fortune you ever got? Give an example of the sort of fortunes you would put inside fortune cookies for your friends and family.
Do you think you could get a song stuck in other people’s heads? What song?
How far have you ever walked in one day?
Did you ever train an animal to do anything?
The Twitter Emitter
If we evolved from apes, why are there still creationists?
— Chris Dashiell (@cdashiell) July 19, 2013
"When was Obama profiled?" — People who three years ago were demanding Obama show his papers
— AdamSerwer (@AdamSerwer) July 19, 2013
Calling Reagan a "small government conservative" is like calling Jerry Sandusky a good role model to children #TCOT #P2
— jimmy streich (@streicher187) July 20, 2013
The #GOP loves to remind you that #Lincoln freed the slaves-in part because it was the last time a #Republican helped out African Americans.
— Eric Wolfson (@ericwolfson) July 20, 2013
Hey everybody, a little space for GZim in this difficult time. After all, there's nothing more unnerving than being watched and followed.
— Bill Maher (@billmaher) July 20, 2013
Your daily reminder: people of color did not create racism, so ending it is not their job.
— allanbrauer (@allanbrauer) July 21, 2013
Ernest Hemingway was born on this day in 1899. He would have composed some fantastic tweets.
— Josh Greenman (@joshgreenman) July 21, 2013
Seriously, why doesn't Texas just make it a crime for any woman of menstruating age to not be pregnant? #p2 #tcot
— Laura Goodwin (@ToolPackinMama) July 21, 2013
Nice guys don't confuse life with a contest.
— Chris Dashiell (@cdashiell) July 21, 2013
.@KenCuccinelli maybe if you tweeted a Geraldo-style selfie, you could end oral sex without involving the courts
— Gen JC Christian (@JC_Christian) July 21, 2013