Have you been to any of the Disney theme parks? Which one, and how did you like it?
Who would you like to see tried before the International Criminal Court? (Not the present leader, please, this is a pie-free zone.)
How much do you miss Walter Cronkite? Huntley and Brinkley? Edward R. Murrow? Could any of them get a job on TV today?
What’s your favorite movie made before you were born?
The Twitter Emitter
When Eliot Spitzer talks about a "fall of Grace", I have to hold my tongue, lest I say "Was that her name"?
— Will McAvoy (@WillMcAvoyACN) July 13, 2013
Things I've seen: GOPers standing in line for Chick-fil-A. Things I've never seen: GOPers standing in line to adopt unwanted babies.
— Gabe OrtÃz (@TUSK81) July 13, 2013
My pet rock ran away…….again.
— hello (@baconacid) July 13, 2013
White neighbor checking temp after #Zimmerman stops me in drive, asks where I've been. Deadpan me: "Gunshopping." His reaction .. priceless
— MKSinSA (@mksinsa) July 16, 2013
That a lunatic Congresswoman with a closeted gay husband would want to spank the POTUS is dripping with delicious connotations.
— Devin (@devbost) July 16, 2013
It's so hot that most scientists believe Rush Limbaugh's heart will be ice-free by 2058.
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) July 16, 2013
Today in 1872, Roald Amundsen was born. He was the first man to reach the South Pole, though somehow there was already a Starbucks there.
— Disalmanac (@Disalmanac) July 16, 2013
(PHONE RINGS) WYOMING SEN. ENZI: "Hello?" "Mike? Dick Cheney. Say, how'd you like to go hunting?"
— West Wing Reports (@WestWingReport) July 16, 2013
Liz Cheney faces a classic challenge: How to present raw personal ambition as a principled break with her incumbent opponent.
— Ari Melber (@AriMelber) July 16, 2013
It’s kinda BS that Wyoming even gets to have Senators. There, I said it.
— Jamison Foser (@jamisonfoser) July 16, 2013
Wyoming will greet Liz Cheney as a liberator.
— sethdmichaels (@sethdmichaels) July 16, 2013
Liz Cheney has a busy schedule ahead of her, shaking hands and devouring the hearts of babies.
— allanbrauer (@allanbrauer) July 16, 2013