Have you been to Washington DC? If so, what was the best thing about it?
Have you been to San Diego? If so, what was the best thing about it?
How long has it been since you read “Catcher in the Rye?”
If JFK Jr. hadn’t died so tragically 14 years ago, do you think he would have eventually ended up in politics?
Are you you now or have you ever been a fan of Martha Stewart?
The Twitter Emitter
To assume that black people will respond to the Zimmerman verdict with violence is as racist as assuming that Trayvon Martin was suspicious.
— Keith Boykin (@keithboykin) July 14, 2013
Lets thank Florida for validating the "He snuck up on me when I was following him from behind" defense. #trayvonmartin“
— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) July 14, 2013
#MSM: "We want our money back! We paid for a #riot!" RT @faraichideya: Today #TrayvonMartin peaceful rally, #NYC Union Square, 2pm.
— Eric Wolfson (@ericwolfson) July 14, 2013
For the last 24 hours, I swear the phrase "unforgivable blackness" has been ringing in the air at a pitch only black boys can hear.
— Saeed Jones (@theferocity) July 14, 2013
Fox News producers wondering what to run tonight since they spent all that time editing riot footage from 1992 and no riots have occurred.
— Top Conservative Cat (@TeaPartyCat) July 15, 2013
The election of a Black President means America is post-racial like the inclusion of a salad on its menu means McDonalds is healthy eats.
— Darrin Stephens (@TheSecondDarrin) July 15, 2013
When some tells you the justice system works, ask them who is it working for.
— eclecticbrotha (@eclecticbrotha) July 15, 2013
"I'm not Racist But….." gonna be the title of that Zimmerman's Juror's book
— Samuel L Dogson (@insanityreport) July 15, 2013
george zimmerman is lucky he didn't kill a white kid or everybody would have found out he's hispanic.
— blaine capatch (@blainecapatch) July 15, 2013
Today George Zimmerman is joyfully celebrating his future. And that's just because Twinkies are back.
— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) July 15, 2013
REMINDER: "Blowing up the Senate" = "Allowing the president an up or down vote on his executive nominees"
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) July 15, 2013
Rick Perry: "I still have a story to tell for 2016. It's a story of intolerance, climate change denial and…shit, what's that other thing?"
— The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) July 15, 2013