Do you play tennis? If so, are you good at it? Do you watch the championships on TV? Do you have a favorite player?
Have you ever been to a Grateful Dead concert?
Can you sew?
Is there any book that you decided to read after seeing a TV or film adaptation? (This question brought to you by Mervyn’s Peake’s birthday – the Gormenghast adaptation was great and the books are as well.)
It’s Barbara Cartland’s birthday. Are you a fan of the romance genre?
The Twitter Emitter
1776: "All men are created equal." 1865: "…& blacks." 1920: "…& women." 1924: "…& Indians." 2013: "…well, maybe not blacks…" #SCOTUS #VRA
— Eric Wolfson (@ericwolfson) July 4, 2013
It's time we retire the phrase "disgraced former politician."
— Ben White (@morningmoneyben) July 8, 2013
I'm only going to say this one more time. Twinkies also respond to electrical stimulation. Do they feel pain, too? #txlege #sb1
— businesssocks (@businesssocks) July 8, 2013
It doesn't matter if the glass is half empty or half full. There is clearly room for more alcohol.
— Will Ferrell (@Will___Ferrell) July 8, 2013
Isn't riding Aeroflot punishment enough for Snowden?
— Kate Sheppard (@kate_sheppard) July 8, 2013
The days of crosses burning in the front yard are mostly gone. But the days of killing a black person w/o consequences has never left us.
— KB3 (@KimBrownTalks) July 8, 2013
I think it's a strategic mistake for Eliot Spitzer to staff his entire campaign with high-priced call girls. #nyc2013
— Ryan J. Davis (@RyanNewYork) July 8, 2013
Basically GZ is from cop connected family and under Confederate law he is licensed to kill.
— rootless (@root_e) July 8, 2013
Tomorrow's Zimmerman Defense Today: Trayvon Martin is actually Kenyan.
— Ethan Peretz (@MperiousRex) July 8, 2013
#zimmermantrial defense to introduce film,"Reefer Madness,"to prove Trayvon driven by reefer madness
— Gen JC Christian (@JC_Christian) July 8, 2013