Good morning Bombistas! Sorry about all the difficult questions. You shouldn’t have forgotten to study! These will be on the test!
If you could do a thorough “cleansing” of your present life, what would you discard (physical things such as possessions or mental things such as attitudes can apply)?
If you could create your own Heaven, what would it be like? Do you think wisdom comes with age? Do you think you see yourself as others do? What is your favorite body of water?
The Twitter Emittter
ZOMG why won’t Obama finish his budget so the GOP can immediately reject it?????
— Yeggo (@Yeggo) March 13, 2013
How many alter boys are relieved that 115 Cardinals are locked away until the white smoke appears?
— Tom Wellborn (@TLW3) March 13, 2013
Now that we have a Pope, we get that hour of sleep back, right?
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) March 13, 2013
The new Holy Father will make some sort of conservative doctrinal pronouncement, and someone will say, “lighten up, Francis!”#HabermusPapum
— Andrew Abshier (@DocAbshier) March 13, 2013
I love how #GOP #RWNJ calls me a moocher for being unemployed while House GOP sits on its ass collecting gov’t checks for doing nothing.
— Moody_Loner (@MoodyLoner) March 13, 2013
To answer the question you’re all asking: House Lannister. Obviously.
— Pope Francis I (@PopeFrancisOne) March 13, 2013
Bad day for Pee Wee Herman: his nemesis Francis gets elected Pope, and he’s super against masturbation.
— Tim Long (@mrtimlong) March 13, 2013
I sort of assumed they’d let J.J. Abrams run the Catholic church too.
— Pope Francis I (@PopeFrancisOne) March 13, 2013
Why didn’t Obama tell us the sequester would kill Google Reader? #impeach
— Danielle(@DCPlod) March 13, 2013
I hope the Argentinian Pope visits Arizona just so Jan Brewer can demand he show his papers.
— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) March 13, 2013
If its a legitimate RSS reader, Google has a way to shut that down
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) March 13, 2013
The new pope is from a different continent than the last one, but he’s from the same century and it isn’t this one
— Peter Flom (@peterflom) March 13, 2013
White People Make Up 42% of the Poor, But Take in Whopping 69% of Government Benefits | Your Black World…
— Reginald Hudlin (@reghud) March 13, 2013
Both Paul Ryan and Pope Francis have a commitment to the poor. But Ryan’s commitment is to make more of them.
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) March 14, 2013
So apparently Pope Francis ordered Google Reader to shut down?
— Larry Madill (@larrymadill) March 14, 2013