Thalutationths, Bombstherth! It’th Thursday.
I fell down and went boom yesterday, effed up my right knee, but most of all my left hand. I have to let my right hand hit the shift key for the left one, because too much range of motion hurts. Too bad I didn’t do it at work, I could handle my own workers’ comp claim!
Oh well, let me poke my nose into your business. Don’t hold back!
Those of you who cook: What is your very best dish? Can we have the recipe? 😉 What fashion from your youth would you like to see come back in style? What fashion from your youth would send you running from the room screaming if it came back in style? What is your favorite day of the week?
The Twitter Emitter
Paul Ryan: “Why is everyone so focused on jobs? It’s time to get back to the real work of redefining rape and killing Medicare”
— The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) March 6, 2013
I’m celebrating Alan Greenspan’s birthday by being wrong, but getting away with it.
— pourmecoffee (@pourmecoffee) March 6, 2013
Reminder to all the new Rand Paul fans on my twitter feed – his appreciation for civil liberties ends where a woman’s uterus begins
— Michael Cohen (@speechboy71) March 7, 2013
To be fair, unlike Ted Cruz or John Cornyn, Rand Paul actually believes the bullshit that comes out of his mouth.
— TBogg (@tbogg) March 7, 2013
If someone can just trick Rand Paul into saying his name backwards we can end this right now.
— Matthew (@Matterless) March 7, 2013
Just tell Rand Paul we will only use drones on women or on blacks who try to eat at his lunch counter and he’ll stop. #p2
— Steve Weinstein (@steveweinstein) March 7, 2013
Isn’t a 10-hour filibuster against drones an oxymoron?
— Rob Kutner (@ApocalypseHow) March 7, 2013
Rand Paul doing the Harlem Shake now.
— Andrew Kaczynski (@BuzzFeedAndrew) March 7, 2013
It would seem Republicans are SUPER concerned about civil liberties when a Democrat is President.
— Greg Pinelo (@gregpinelo) March 7, 2013
If you think this is good, Rand Paul’s filibuster against the FEMA concentration camps and the gay madrasas will be EPIC.
— Adam Weinstein (@AdamWeinstein) March 7, 2013
Has any right-wing nutzoid accused Obama of using the drone authorization as a way of dividing Republicans yet?
— The Rude Pundit (@rudepundit) March 7, 2013
If you turned a blind eye on torture & extrajudicial killings under W, you have no right to complain about civil rights violations under O.
— Jason Febery (@JasonFebery) March 7, 2013
That awkward moment when Rand Paul is against killing American citizens w/o trial while supporting stand your ground laws
— United Liberals(@UnitedLiberals) March 7, 2013
Rand Paul’s filibuster is now longer than John Galt’s speech. And you’re lucky if you don’t get that.
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) March 7, 2013
I am against drone warfare, but I will never stand with Rand, any more than I would eat shit with Mitt.
— Chris Dashiell (@cdashiell) March 7, 2013