Welcome to Monday. Please be sure that you are wearing something that fits the dress code. Be punctual. If you take the last cup of coffee, please make more. Smile! 😉
What words or phrases in common usage today drive you up the wall? What common mispronunciation drives you up the wall? If you could go back and visit any particular place and time, what would it be? If you could learn the answer to any historical unsolved mysteries, what would you want to know? What is your favorite adventure story (in any medium)?
The Twitter Emitter
Racial entitlement: When someone other than the white guy gets to vote. #TheVotingWhitesAct
— kara vallow (@teenagesleuth) March 3, 2013
Here’s My advice: Don’t ask for My advice.
— God (@TheTweetOfGod) March 3, 2013
Even if everything happened for a reason there would be no reason for that.
— God (@TheTweetOfGod) March 3, 2013
I haven’t heard one good argument why Republicans should be able to marry. eclectablog.com/2013/02/let-th…
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) March 3, 2013
Mitt says he knew by 9 PM on Election Day he’d never be president. Everyone else knew that when he flew to Vegas to be endorsed by Trump.
— Victor Laszlo(@Impolitics) March 3, 2013
Number one question never asked by narcissists: “Am I a narcissist?”
— Chris Dashiell (@cdashiell) March 3, 2013
My Amazon order of “Things You Need Because You’re Old And Your Body Hurts” has shipped!
— Jesse Taylor (@jesseltaylor) March 4, 2013
“The Bible” running on the History Channel is like “Dragons” running on Animal Planet.
— God (@TheTweetOfGod) March 4, 2013
They’ll throw all of our rights out their Overton window if we let them.
— Chris Dashiell (@cdashiell) March 4, 2013
@ericboehlert If Galdalf had only compromised with the Balrog of Morgoth, the bridge of Khazad-Dum might still be intact. #FAILURETOLEAD
— Dante Atkins (@DanteAtkins) March 4, 2013
Using Scalia’s own logic, women standing up for their right to vote would be an act of ‘gender entitlement’.
— Jason Febery (@JasonFebery) March 4, 2013
How is it a sense of ‘entitlement’ when minorities ask for the exact same rights as everyone else-i.e. voting?
— Jason Febery (@JasonFebery) March 4, 2013
SERIOUSLY: The only thing Republicans now agree on is that the Obama recovery must be destroyed nytimes.com/2013/03/04/us/… #Austerity #GOPFail
— The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) March 4, 2013