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The Daily F Bomb, Thursday 2/21/13

Good morning! Today is Feralia, ancient Roman holiday (no Audrey Hepburn involved). Check out this ritual (which is just part of it):

The ritual consists of the old woman placing three bits of incense, with three of her fingers, beneath a threshold where a mouse is unknowingly buried. She then rolls seven black beans in her mouth, and smears the head of a fish with pitch, impaling it with a bronze needle, and roasting it in a fire.

I wonder about that mouse. How is it unknowingly buried? Does the mouse not know it’s buried, or does the old woman not know it’s buried?


What is the oldest thing you own? What nicknames have your friends and family given you? What category in Trivial Pursuit (assuming you ever played) was your best? (Geography, Science and Nature, Sports and Leisure, Entertainment, History, Art and Literature) Which was your worst? Do you have any hobbies, and if so, what are they? Do you get seasick/carsick or any other kind of motion sickness?

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