Good morning! Today is Feralia, ancient Roman holiday (no Audrey Hepburn involved). Check out this ritual (which is just part of it):
The ritual consists of the old woman placing three bits of incense, with three of her fingers, beneath a threshold where a mouse is unknowingly buried. She then rolls seven black beans in her mouth, and smears the head of a fish with pitch, impaling it with a bronze needle, and roasting it in a fire.
I wonder about that mouse. How is it unknowingly buried? Does the mouse not know it’s buried, or does the old woman not know it’s buried?
What is the oldest thing you own? What nicknames have your friends and family given you? What category in Trivial Pursuit (assuming you ever played) was your best? (Geography, Science and Nature, Sports and Leisure, Entertainment, History, Art and Literature) Which was your worst? Do you have any hobbies, and if so, what are they? Do you get seasick/carsick or any other kind of motion sickness?
The Twitter Emitter
If you think you’re scoring points by making fun of the way Gabby Giffords claps her hands, #YouMightBeARepublican.
— allanbrauer (@allanbrauer) February 20, 2013
Fact: More than 25 million strawmen are killed on Twitter every day.
— William K. Wolfrum (@Wolfrum) February 20, 2013
Breaking: Tagg Romney scheduled to appear at CPAC to scowl silently while his dad talks.
— William K. Wolfrum (@Wolfrum) February 20, 2013
Sequester was supposed to be an unthinkable worst-case scenario that would terrify everyone into action same as Jets bringing in Tebow.
— pourmecoffee (@pourmecoffee) February 20, 2013
shapiro: “the moon is made of green cheese, according to a source” “but it isnt made of green cheese!” shapiro: “i accurately quoted him”
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) February 20, 2013
The only speech anyone wants to hear Mitt Romney give: You are now in my will.
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) February 20, 2013
If you think being gay is a choice, you’re considering it.
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) February 20, 2013
Gov. Rick Scott: “Florida will expand Medicaid under Obamacare, but don’t worry, I plan to embezzle it before it helps the moochers.”
— Top Conservative Cat (@TeaPartyCat) February 20, 2013
Of course Jesus didn’t ride dinosaurs. That was Adam.
— Chris Dashiell (@cdashiell) February 21, 2013
Well-crafted hashtags have driven policy in this country since the 1802 midterms. Historical fact.
— Bearded Stoner (@beardedstoner) February 21, 2013
Listen, I never said I was perfect. I only said My mistakes were your fault.
— God (@TheTweetOfGod) February 21, 2013
Kurt Cobain would have been 46 today if it weren’t for Obama’s hit squad. Another part of the plot to take away our guns.
— Top Conservative Cat (@TeaPartyCat) February 21, 2013
Sequester hits everyone. SCOTUS has to downgrade to itchy polyester robes that just make you want to declare everything unconstitutional.
— pourmecoffee (@pourmecoffee) February 21, 2013