Good morning! Grab some coffee and join us!
When faced with aggression or vitriol, do you turn the other cheek, or fight back? What kind of volunteer work do you do? Are you tidy or untidy? What is the worst smell you ever smelled? What is the best smell in the world? With fiction, do you prefer realism or something more fantasy oriented?
The Twitter Emitter
Hello, Twitter. I’m back after nine days away. I heard that the Pope exploded over Russia, disabling a cruise ship. I am skeptical.
— John Scalzi (@scalzi) February 18, 2013
You know, if WH press corps asked as many Qs about Iraq war as they are about a golf round, thousands of lives might just have been saved.
— (@TheObamaDiary) February 18, 2013
“Republicans have gone from Abraham Lincoln, to Teddy Roosevelt, to Mitt Romney. No wonder they don’t believe in evolution.” -Andy Borowitz
— Jesse Undem (@JesseUndem) February 18, 2013
REPORT: @edhenrytv outraged that President Obama would not allow him inside bathroom stall to observe most recent bowel movement
— The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) February 18, 2013
RT @p0tus: BREAKING: House Republicans decide to use their 9 days of vacation to bitch about POTUS playing 2 days of golf.
— GottaLaff (@GottaLaff) February 18, 2013
Republicans blame President Obama for recent epidemic of Harlem Shake videos: “He was too soft on Gangnam Style and this is the result”
— The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) February 19, 2013
It figures that Obama would force America to celebrate Presidents Day during Black History Month.
— TBogg (@tbogg) February 19, 2013
The best Happy Presidents Day story is young George Washington saying “I cannot tell a lie;” because it’s a lie.
— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) February 19, 2013
Newt Gingrich: “Every Republican I know is cheating on his wife, but only because Obama supports monogamy”
— The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) February 19, 2013
John McCain yelled at the waiter at dinner for not praising The Surgeā¢. Cindy says it happens a lot lately.
— Top Conservative Cat (@TeaPartyCat) February 19, 2013
According to the GOP, it’s OK for your boss to know what birth control you use, but really invasive to run a background check on a gun buyer
— The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) February 19, 2013
Rumsfeld: “There weren’t WMDs or Al Qaeda in Iraq, but you don’t go to war with the lies you want, you go with the lies you have.”#Hubris
— Top Conservative Cat (@TeaPartyCat) February 19, 2013
“Tonight, following #Hubris, perhaps McCain can answer questions about the WMDs he thought existed. @num1_fan:”
— Don Martin(@martin_don) February 19, 2013
If you spoke out against the POTUS during Bush administration, you were committing treason. Under Obama, you’re being a patriot #Hubris
— The Abolitionist (@PolytickalSeer) February 19, 2013
“Shock and Awe.” What a disgusting, arrogant name for killing people. #Hubris
— Ani Sangye (@SangyeH) February 19, 2013