Happy Saturday, Bombastics! What a weird news week that was. I suspect that things will only get stranger.
In the good old days, we used to theorize that people like Bill Gates or Martha Stewart were the Antichrist. Who would be your candidate for that position today? Do you recall mimeograph/ditto machines, and if so, did you not inhale deeply of every test paper the teacher passed out? What is your favorite kitchen appliance/electric? What’s on your bucket list? How many juries have you served on? Did you enjoy the experience? What sports (if any ) are you good at?
The Twitter Emitter
Oh man, a meteor struck a cruise ship in Alabama because Chuck Hagel was filibustered.
— Matthew Reichbach (@fbihop) February 15, 2013
*Sure* it’s just a meteorite. You won’t be saying that when the tripods come marching over the horizon.
— Gary Gibson (@garygibsonsf) February 15, 2013
Asteroids wouldn’t be a problem if we let astronauts have guns on the International Space Station #NRA #tlot
— Edward Branley (@YatPundit) February 15, 2013
It’s almost as if Fox News is saying, “We dare you to believe us”
— Lizz Winstead (@lizzwinstead) February 15, 2013
Oh look. David Gregory is appearing Sunday on Meet John McCain.
— roadkillrefugee (@rkref) February 15, 2013
Mitt Romney: “If an asteroid ever destroyed America, at least my money would all be safe,”
— The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) February 15, 2013
If you don’t think the Pope retiring isn’t connected to the lights going out at the Super Bowl and the meteor shower, you are not Dan Brown.
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) February 15, 2013
We journos were all over the cruise ship.Can we provide equal attention to the billions who always lack food & sanitation?
— Nicholas Kristof (@NickKristof) February 15, 2013
John McCain is going to be on Meet The Press Sunday, I think to talk about invading that asteroid before it comes back.
— pourmecoffee (@pourmecoffee) February 16, 2013
We won’t jail the bankers, we won’t jail the people that lied us into war. We won’t jail torturers. We jail minorities who smoke pot #edshow
— Rick S (@gratepool) February 16, 2013
The Republicans should not be called a political party. They are a combination of corporate subsidiary and hate group
— Peter Flom (@peterflom) February 16, 2013
Was going to take a cruise but decided to stop up my own toilet and save money.
— Albert Brooks (@AlbertBrooks) February 16, 2013
We could have saved a lot of time this week if the Russian meteorite had hit the poop ship and killed Chris Dorner.
— TBogg (@tbogg) February 16, 2013
If pointing out George W. Bush was a horrible president disqualifies you for a job, no wonder millions aren’t working fb.me/1C39AESf0
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) February 16, 2013