Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics


The Daily F Bomb, Wednesday, 4/17/13


Please (pretty please, with whipped cream on top) write us a Haiku for National Haiku Day?

For National Cheeseball Day, what kind of cheese is in your cheeseball?

What was the destination of your first plane trip?

Do you remember what airline?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Tuesday 4/16/13


Did you ever star in a school play?

Have you ever joined a fan club, and if so, whose?

If you came with a warning label, what would it say?

It’s National Stress Awareness Day. What is your biggest stressor these days?

Mushrooms – Sauteed, raw, or not at all?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Monday 4/15/13


It’s Tax Day!

Did you get your taxes done in time? Do you do your own or have someone do them for you?

When you are sick with the flu, do you valiantly carry on or huddle at home in abject misery?

Do you have a green thumb?

Are you an introvert or extrovert?

The Twitter Emitter

Native schools and stolen generations: U.S. and Canada

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Pupils at Carlisle Indian Industrial School, Pennsylvania (c. 1900)

The plight of Native American and First Nations children in the United States and Canada as stolen generations cannot simply be brushed off as “ancient” history.

Many readers here are aware of the history of Native American boarding schools, like Carlisle, depicted above, and the Canadian Indian residential school system, thanks to the ongoing efforts of editors and writers for Native American Netroots, founded by navajo, both on their site and here at Daily Kos. They have also provided critical coverage of the current South Dakota kidnapping of Indian children-placing them white foster care, in pieces written by Meteor Blades, and Aji.

Unfortunately, too many of our fellow citizens remain in complete ignorance.

Nurse Kelley Sez: If You Die, How Will We Know?

Dying is a matter of “when”, not “if”. Pretty much everyone knows what they should do to make their final arrangements, and doing so is not just for the old and infirm. Even you college students could get hit by a bus and die tomorrow. If you’ve got more than a few possessions or think you might even consider having children someday or don’t want your brothers to fight over your DVD collection, you need a will. If you’ve got a complicated family of in-laws, outlaws, stepkids and exes, you REALLY need a will. If you are the parent or guardian of a disabled person you need to make legal arrangements and trusts NOW. If you are a member of the GLBT community and don’t yet have the same rights as everyone else, you MUST have a will.

If you have strong feelings about organ donation (you do, don’t you?) don’t just sign a donor card. Your family can override your wishes when you die. Your Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare, your Living Will, and your Power of Attorney should be executed, discussed with your next of kin and safely stored where they can retrieve them when needed. Don’t forget to choose a guardian for your kids and make arrangements for your pets.

Today’s topic is more about notifications than arrangements. It was simple enough when my parents died; we notified family members and close friends, then got in touch with the company Daddy worked for his entire life. Both my parents graduated from Rice University and were active in the alumni association, so we called them and asked them to get the word out. They’d volunteered for a variety of organizations and causes, and they’d been members of the same church for eons. We knew which neighbors they were friends with and we called them. Their address books provided the names of friends we weren’t aware of, and obituaries in the local paper were seen by the one or two friends we’d missed.

My, how times have changed! Address books have been replaced with password protected computers and handheld devices. If your survivors are lucky enough to know (or guess) your passwords, what then? Will they know which social networking site(s) you frequent … and how to get into them? Do they know if you’re in secret facebook groups, and how to contact someone in the group?

What about the financial sites you use? I’ve got a Power of Attorney and my son knows where it is, but he could begin managing my affairs immediately if he knew how to access my accounts online. Should I give him that information now? Just in case? If not, what do I do with the myriad web addresses and sign-in names and passwords currently clogging my brain?

More to the point today, if you die and you’re still an active member of this crazy place, how will we know?

At the end of 2009 I saw a posting on facebook that resonated with me. I don’t remember who posted it, so this is as close as I can come to the original:

My New Year’s resolution is to stop referring to you guys as my internet friends. You’re friends, period.

Do Nurse Kelley a favor, please. Tell someone you love and trust how to access your account here, or how to get in touch with a mutual friend here. Don’t just disappear:

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Republished by request

The Daily F Bomb, Friday 4/12/13


How long could you go without talking?

Have you ever sleepwalked?

What is your preferred writing utensil and are you picky about it?

What do you have on your refrigerator door?

Is the glass half full or half empty?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Thursday 4/11/13


Do you think that nature or nurture has a greater part in how we turn out?

Do you consider yourself to be mainstream?

Are there any rituals you like to perform for any reason (perhaps just daily activities that have become almost a ritual for you)?

Do you like to participate in scary activities like skydiving, hang gliding and bungee jumping or do you prefer to watch from a place of safety?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Wednesday 4/10/13


If you had to create something and had an unlimited budget to do so, what would you create? If the world were in black and white and you were allowed to have just one thing in color, what would it be? Would you describe yourself as confident, insecure, or somewhere in between? What is the last song you heard on iPod, radio or CD?

The Twitter Emitter

Blacks and Latinos CAN swim.

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Olympic Gold Medal swimmer – Cullen Jones

While net-surfing ran across a news story which has wing-nuts all a flutter, promoted on Faux news by resident twit Tucker Carlson and Crystal Wright, his black Republican female sidekick, as yet another excuse to  attack affirmative action, and to spread falsehoods.  What struck me was the headline on the story which blared in all caps:


The Daily F Bomb, Tuesday 4/9/13


Usually kids are taught by grown-ups, but every now and then they teach us little lessons. What have you learned from kids? Are you a good traveling companion? What was your first job? Peanut butter – creamy or crunchy?

The Twitter Emitter