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TX GOP Agrees: Texas Will Be a Battleground State

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In Finally Something We Agree On, Battleground Texas just posted an audio clip of Steve Munisteri, the Texas GOP chair, speaking to the newly created “Battlefield Dallas” group. If y’all think that name sounds a bit familiar, just wait til you hear the clip, which I have transcribed for those who can’t listen at the moment (my emphasis):

Have any of you heard of this group, Battleground Texas? Raise your hands.

Okay, I want all of you to know that I have also heard of it. So I think it will save us a lot of time if you don’t call the state party to ask if we know about it.

In fact, I have threatened to have a new fundraising program that for everybody who calls to say, “Steve, have you heard about the Democrats, what are we doing about it?” … you have to pay a dollar. I think if we do that, we could raise a lot of money.

Folks, yes, we know about them. Isn’t it going to be nice that instead of Texans having to go to Ohio and Florida to have the action, I like the fact Texas is going to be a battleground. I like the fact that we don’t have to go out of state any more. The eyes of the nation will be on our state. And as our state goes, our entire country goes.

Now, some people are scared of that. But I take that, embrace it, and say, “What a wonderful opportunity for every one of us to help decide the direction of our country,” and that can start right here today.

It sounds as though Battleground Texas has Republicans worrying. A lot. And Munisteri has now conceded that Texas is going to be a battleground state, which is quite a turnaround from the Republicans’ attitude toward this effort back in January:

Republican strategist Dave Carney, who has worked extensively in Texas and steered Perry’s 2010 reelection, dismissed Democratic claims that a brand-new voter mobilization project would help transform the state. He called it a matter of “consultants coming up with a project to get paid.”

“The more money they spend on [Battleground Texas], the better it is for Texas and the taxpayers of Texas, because it will basically lead to continued conservative dominance of the state. There’s a reason voters are low-propensity voters. They don’t vote,” Carney said.

We already know that Munisteri is confident that the Republicans have considerably more money to spend here (my emphasis):

“They talk about they’re going to be putting tens of million into Battleground Texas,” said Munisteri. “If there ever were a significant threat because somebody put $20 million in, our business community would probably spend that on Republicans by a factor of several-fold; $75 million was raised just from Texas for Romney. None of that money was spent in the state. Over a six-year period, the RNC raised $41 million in Texas and spent about $400,000. Those dollars can easily flow back the other way if we need them, so if they spend $10 million, we can spend $100 million.”

If so, for a national Democratic donor that would mean for every dollar spent in Texas, Republicans would spend $10, money they wouldn’t be spending elsewhere. That’s not a bad return on investment.

They’re going to outspend us. So be it. Our side has people who were fired up and ready to go in both 2008 and 2012. And that’s not just some meaningless slogan-at a brunch yesterday honoring Democratic women in Galveston County, Jenn Brown, BGTX’s Executive Director, emphasized the number of Texans who volunteered in battleground states during the last two presidential elections, as well as the remarkably high level of energy and enthusiasm she has encountered all around our state during the past few months.

The Daily F Bomb, Friday 5/23/13


If you were allowed, on your tax forms, to direct where you wanted your tax money to go, where would you spend it? In what amounts?

Do you feel comfortable eating alone at a restaurant or going to movies or other shows alone?

Is there any chore/job/action that always makes you kick into high procrastination mode? What is it?

Do you like escargot? (It’s National Escargot Day.)

The Twitter Emitter

Texas Matters: Senate Passes Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

Late last night, the Texas Senate finally passed House Bill 950, a state version of the federal Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009. TX State Rep. Senfronia Thompson photo RepSenfroniaThompson_zps8bbb0ebc.jpg Authored by Democratic state Rep. Senfronia Thompson (HD-141), who has served for four decades and is a force to be reckoned with, HB 950

clarifies that pay discrimination claims based on “sex, race, national origin, age, religion and disability” accrue whenever an employee receives a discriminatory paycheck. Under the measure, a 180-day statute of limitations for filing an equal-pay lawsuit resets with each new discriminatory paycheck.

The bill passed after two Republicans weakened amended it:

One change to the bill, made by state Sen. Robert Deuell, R-Greenville, would limit the equal protection rights to wages, and not to benefits or other compensation. Another change came from state Sen. Robert Duncan, R-Lubbock, and it would require that the act apply only to claims that occur on or after the law takes effect in September.

Every Democratic legislator in the House and the Senate voted for HB 950, but many Republican lawmakers did not. Unfortunately, it wasn’t just Republican men who voted against equal pay for Texas women. Katherine Haenschen at the Burnt Orange Report sums up the situation:

What’s most appalling to me is the number of Republican women who voted against letting other women address gender-based pay discrimination. Jane Nelson, Joan Huffman, Cindy Burkett, Stefani Carter, Angie Chen Button, Myra Crownover, Marsha Farney, Susan King, Stephanie Klick, Lois Kolkhorst, Jodie Laubenberg, and Geanie Morrison — what the heck is wrong with you?! Do you really not recognize that women are paid less than men? Have y’all had such rarefied or willfully ignorant experiences that you don’t realize the need for this legislation? (I don’t understand the pathology of women who vote Republican anyways, but this seems like an extra dose of Stockholm syndrome here.)

When conservative Republican men can vote for this bill — whether for craven political reasons or out of a genuine concern for economic fairness, on some levels it matters not, seeing as the bill passed — and a bunch of professional, successful women serving in our Legislature cannot, these women need to reevaluate their decision-making criteria.

Equal Work Deserves Equal Pay! photo equalpaysign_zps12c10cec.jpg

Here’s a fact that should have gotten the attention of more Texas GOP lawmakers, especially the women. Based on reports in the 2012 Census, Texas women outvoted men by approximately 625,000.

Selected Voter Turnout Data for Texas (in thousands)

Texas (Citizen) Total Citizen Population Percent Registered Percent Voted

Now obviously not all women vote for Democrats, but State Senator Wendy Davis (SD-10) was re-elected in 2012 in part because of a gender turnout gap that had women in her district outvoting men at a greater level than in Texas overall.

When HB 950 gets to his desk, Republican Governor Rick Perry should not be afraid to sign this bill. After all, businesses get to decide whether or not to pay all of their employees fairly:

“Employers who are doing the right thing and treating women fairly don’t view this bill as a threat,” said state Sen. Wendy Davis, D-Fort Worth, who sponsored the bill in the Senate. “Equal pay decisions should be made in the CEO’s office rather than a courtroom.”

And regarding the Republican women who voted against equal pay for equal work, many working women and those who care about them might be inclined, as Haenschen at the BOR was, to recall former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright’s saying:

“I think there is a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.”

The Daily F Bomb, Thursday 5/23/13


How do you think Mitch McConnell will celebrate World Turtle Day?

How patient are you? What makes you lose patience?

How long can you go without going on the internet?

Who was your major role model?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Wednesday 5/22/13


How do you pronounce “GIF?” Hard or soft G? (Apparently this was a huge Tweetroversy last night.)

For Buy a Musical Instrument Day, what instrument would you buy, if you had to buy one?

Those of you who garden, do you make any attempt at all to plant native plants, or do you plant what you like, regardless of where it originated?

What is the most you ever spent on an item of clothing?

The Twitter Emitter

President Obama and the Mighty Men of Morehouse

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Morehouse graduates in the rain cheer President Obama at commencement address (Pete Souza)

If you have not yet listened to, and watched President Obama delivering the commencement address at Morehouse College, on Sunday, May 19, 2013 it is posted here for you to absorb and view.

This was the 129th commencement ceremony at Morehouse, an historically black college (HBCU). What made it different from all of the ones that preceded it, was that the “Mighty Men” of Morehouse were being addressed by the President of the United States. Black man to young black men.  

The Daily F Bomb, Tuesday 5/21/13


What form of natural disaster scares you most (even if it never happens where you are)?

What city do you think has the prettiest skyline?

What is the longest it’s ever taken you to reach a destination (vacation or other travel)?

It’s “I Need a Patch for That Day.” What would you like to have a patch for?

The Twitter Emitter

Obama and Simpson-Bowles: A Conspiracy Theory

While reading about the Incredible Shrinking Deficit, I ran across something that got me thinking about Pres. Obama and Simpson-Bowles aka The Catfood Commission.

My theory is that the President created the Commission in order to buy time until the deficit declined due to facts already on the ground. The biggest key was in bending the cost curve of healthcare via the ACA along with trends already under way (such as ‘Seismic Shift’ below).

On the revenue side:

1. The Bush Tax Cuts expiring (eventually)

2. Recovery of revenues as the Great Recession gave way to economic recovery and (coming soon) expansion

On the outlays side:

1. Declining stimulatory expenditures

2. Declining UE expenditures

3. Good news on healthcare projections as they bend the cost curve

4. David Cutler (see below Lower health care costs may last)

The latest CBO Projections:

Updated Budget Projections: Fiscal Years 2013 to 2023

If the current laws that govern federal taxes and spending do not change, the budget deficit will shrink this year to $642 billion, CBO estimates, the smallest shortfall since 2008. Relative to the size of the economy, the deficit this year-at 4.0 percent of gross domestic product (GDP)-will be less than half as large as the shortfall in 2009, which was 10.1 percent of GDP.

With the largest revision in outlays in healthcare:

Medicare and Medicaid spending projection cut by $900 billion

The CBO cut its deficit projection for the next decade by $200 billion, with this year’s deficit shrinking to $642 billion, the smallest shortfall since 2008. A relatively huge chunk of that decrease-$900 billion-is in Medicare and Medicaid spending

Here’s an example of ongoing savings trends:

In ‘seismic shift,’ primary care physicians creating revenue for hospitals

Here’s another shift in health care to go along with shrinking rate of growth in health care spending over the last few years: For the first time, primary care doctors are driving more revenue on a per/physician basis for hospitals than specialists.

From the source document:

“Seismic shift” lifts primary care’s impact on hospital revenues

   For 2013, the median revenue per primary care physician ascribed by about 3,000 hospital chief financial officers is nearly $1.6 million, and it is a little more than $1.4 million for specialists. In 2010, the last time Merritt Hawkins did such a survey, primary care was at more than $1.4 million, and specialties were at nearly $1.6 million. Specialists have outpaced primary care in Merritt Hawkins’ survey, which began in 2002, continued in 2004 and has been conducted every three years since. The survey includes both inpatient and outpatient revenue generated for hospitals, and it does not give an aggregate total of the revenue generated by primary care and specialty physicians. […]

   “A seismic shift is taking place in medicine, away from specialists and toward primary care physicians,” said Mark Smith, president of Merritt Hawkins, in a statement. “Primary care physicians are increasingly employed by hospitals and in new delivery models, such as accountable care organizations. They are taking a greater role in driving both the delivery of care and the flow of health care dollars.”

And here’s the smoking gun:

Lower health care costs may last

In a paper published in the May issue of Health Affairs, David Cutler, the Otto Eckstein Professor of Applied Economics, and co-author Nikhil Sahni, a senior researcher in Harvard’s Economics Department, point to several factors, including a decline in the development of new drugs and technologies and increased efficiency in the health care system, to explain the recent slowdown.

“Historically, as far back as 1960, medical care has increased at about one and a half to 2 percent faster than the economy,” said Cutler, who served as a health care adviser to the 2008 Obama campaign. “In the last decade, however, medical care has not really grown as a share of the GDP. If you forecast that forward, it translates into a lot of money.”

Bold for emphasis.

So there it is. David Cutler, as Obama healthcare advisor (with others of course) and Obama initiate the ACA and successfully bend the cost curve. Deficit goodness becomes apparent in 2013, just before any Simpson-Bowles cutbacks are legislated.

More Joan McCarter

CAP’s Michael Linden has a fun comparison: Today’s CBO estimate puts the deficit at 2.1 percent of GDP by 2015. Simpson-Bowles called for reducing the deficit to 2.3 percent of GDP by 2015. So we got beyond their recommendation without punishing any old people or cutting taxes even more for the wealthy and corporations.

I’ll leave it to the reader to judge whether all the outrage of the emoprogs towards the Catfood Commission and Pres. Obama was a complete fucking waste of time. Or not.

The Daily F Bomb, Monday 5/20/13


What’s the most difficult decision you ever had to make?

Have you ever successfully grown strawberries? How do you prefer to eat them?

Do you understand the metric system at all?

Do any kids of your acquaintance know how to tie shoes that have laces or tell the time from analog clocks?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Friday 5/17/13


When you go shopping, do you have brand loyalties, or do you buy whatever is cheapest?

What language do you wish you spoke?

It’s National Pizza Party Day, what do you want on your pizza?

Do you have pack-rat tendencies at all?

What is the last thing that made you really laugh?

The Twitter Emitter