It’s International Picnic Day. What’s in your picnic basket (besides bear repellent)?
It’s also apparently International Panic Day. What makes you want to panic?
George Lucas is predicting eventual $150 movie tickets(!). Do you still go see movies in theaters? What’s the best theater and why? What is the most annoying thing about movie patrons these days?
The Twitter Emitter
The NSA's all like, "Chill out guys, we've been listening to this Kanye West album for weeks."
— Aaron Levie (@levie) June 15, 2013
So if guns kill people, I guess pencils misspell words, cars drive drunk, and spoons make people fat.
— Grumpy Cat (@ItsTheGrumpyCat) June 16, 2013
"I’m gonna get a tattoo that says 'Helvetica', written in Arial. When a woman corrects me on it, I will marry her.”
— Shelby White (@ShelbyWhite) June 17, 2013
The older I get, the more I suspect The Jetsons was based on nothing more than idle guesswork.
— Sixth Form Poet (@sixthformpoet) June 17, 2013
If you can sink to the depths where is there no honor or shame, you can have a regular gig on Fox.
— Chris Dashiell (@cdashiell) June 17, 2013
Yes, that is a sitting U.S. Congressman opposing expanding voting rights to a demographic group because it would hurt his reelection chances
— Will McAvoy (@WillMcAvoyACN) June 17, 2013
Is tomorrow's abortion bill vote a distraction from the Obamacare repeal votes the House COULD be doing?
— daveweigel (@daveweigel) June 17, 2013
If Darrell Issa won't release the full transcripts of the IRS investigation, are we allowed to ask Edward Snowden?
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) June 17, 2013
Issa: "I cannot release the full transcripts, as they will show that I've wasted a ton of taxpayer money on a non-issue."
— kara vallow (@teenagesleuth) June 17, 2013
I wanted to try pickling but I don't have any mason jars, so I ate a bunch of cucumbers and downed a bottle of vodka.
— Sabrina Adult Witch (@introvertedwife) June 18, 2013
Any tips from experienced progressives on safe ways to set hair on fire ?
— rootless (@root_e) June 16, 2013