Is there any kind of shopping you enjoy? If so, what? What is the worst kind?
Do you enjoy puzzles? What’s your favorite kind of puzzle?
What is the most pain you have felt?
What’s the best advice you were ever given? Did you take it?
Is there anyone you need to forgive? Do you think you will?
The Twitter Emitter
People who spy on you have implicitly admitted that your life is more interesting than theirs.
— Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson) August 17, 2013
The secret to effective prayer is asking for things that would have happened anyway.
— God (@TheTweetOfGod) August 18, 2013
#IfObamaHadWrittenTheConstitution he'd probably forget to make Christianity the official religion like that bum Thomas Jefferson did.
— Top Conservative Cat (@TeaPartyCat) August 25, 2013
A shame Trump University is being attacked right as researchers there were about to find the cure for relieving suckers of their money.
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) August 26, 2013
1st lesson in pol. journalism should be knowing the difference between "this is new, important and good" and "this flatters my worldview."
— sethdmichaels (@sethdmichaels) August 26, 2013
If Assad had done something outrageous at the VMAs, this all would have come to a head sooner.
— Josh Greenman (@joshgreenman) August 26, 2013
Never judge a book by its movie.
— Eastwood (@Eagle_Vision) August 26, 2013
Person Most Sure of American Exceptionalism Also Person Most Livid at State of American Culture
— Josh Greenman (@joshgreenman) August 26, 2013
Some day when scientists discover the center of the universe many people are going to be disappointed to find out it isn't them.
— Grumpy Cat (@ItsTheGrumpyCat) August 26, 2013
Just caught up on all my social media after the weekend. Guys, quit making fun of Miley Cyrus. She's going to make a great Batman.
— Jewel Staite (@JewelStaite) August 26, 2013
So from what I gather from Twitter, we're gonna bomb Syria with Miley Cyrus. Is that about right?
— The Rude Pundit (@rudepundit) August 26, 2013