Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics


The Daily F Bomb, Wednesday 9/18/13


Are you fond of jewelry? Do you (or spouse/partner) have any nice or interesting pieces?

Did any of your ancestors own slaves? Or conversely, were any slaves?

What is the most important or valuable thing you ever lost?

Have you ever lived through a serious drought? Did you ever have to ration water?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Tuesday 9/17/13


What are your favorite and least favorite constitutional amendments?

How good a typist are you? Do you have to look at the keys, or hunt and peck? Do you use all of your fingers?

Are you a good swimmer? Can you dive?

How is the view from your bedroom window? Kitchen? Living room?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Monday 9/16/13


Did you ever have a preference between GM and Ford?

What’s the weirdest thing you ever photocopied?

What was the most amazing meal you ever ate in a restaurant?

Do you visit your local library? Any other libraries? Do you avail yourself to library services beyond borrowing books?

The Twitter Emitter

Birmingham Sunday

Today is the 50th Anniversary of the KKK bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham Alabama in 1963. Four girls, Addie Mae Collins, Carole Robertson and Cynthia Wesley, who were  14, and Denise McNair, who was 11 died in this act of terrorism.  

There have been memorial events in Birmingham all week, and there will be a special service at the church today.

A memorial statue, was installed in Birmingham, this week.

The Four Spirits Statue, a tribute to the four little girls killed in the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church on September 15, 1963. The statue is situated in Kelly Ingram Park between the statue of Martin Luther King Jr. and the church.

Joseph Lowery at memorial unveiling: ‘We need to turn to each other, not on each other’


The Daily F Bomb, Friday 9/13/13


It’s International Chocolate Day. Do you prefer American chocolate, or something more International? What is your favorite chocolate?

Do you defy superstitions by doing those things that the superstitions warn against (walking under ladders, etc.)?

Remembering that it’s Think Positive Day, would you let your kids take over the kitchen? Have you done so in the past? If so, are your kids good in the kitchen? (If your kids are grownups, maybe the question would work better for grandkids.)

Are you or any close to you celiacs? If so, have you found any good products or recipes that are as tasty as the gluten-filled things?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Thursday 9/12/13


Do you play any video games? Which ones? Are you any good at them?

What about smart phone apps? What fun and/or useful apps do you have on your phone?

Have you ever engaged in role playing games? Cosplay?

Are you now or have you ever been a Ren Faire person? If so, did you ever dress up?

Pet owners: After you have bid farewell to a pet, do you let the vet take care of them, have them cremated, or bring them home and bury them? Or something else?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Wednesday 9/11/13


Where were you when you heard about the planes hitting the towers?

How susceptible are you to link bait? Link bait is those links you find at the bottom or sides of some websites that try to lure you in with salacious headlines. (As an example, the site I am on now has “Senior Citizens Over 50 May Qualify to Get $20,500 this Year” and “Sandra Bullock’s Leather Outfit is Still Bringing the Heat” as examples. Wait – 50 is senior????)

Have you ever walked out of a movie before? Which one(s)?

It’s Make Your Bed Day. Do you make your bed every day?

The Twitter Emitter

Thank you Ben Jealous

 photo BenJealous_zps02ef8369.jpg

When I read headlines announcing that Ben Jealous is stepping down as the head of the NAACP, I was surprised, and saddened.

I first joined the NAACP when I was a child. My parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles were members. I was raised with elders who taught me the history of the organization. I didn’t learn it in school. It was not part of my grade school curriculum. As a young teenager I joined my local NAACP youth group in NYC, in the chapter headed by William Booth, and participated in sit-ins to combat housing discrimination.  

I didn’t always agree with some of the positions they took. As a very militant young adult I was impatient with what I thought at times was a too conservative stance of the organization, especially under Roy Wilkins. Yet, I always thought of the NAACP as a rock. A solid foundation. That it would always be there.  

The Daily F Bomb, Tuesday 9/10/13


Do you take supplements (other than vitamins) for your health? Do you use any homeopathic remedies? Are there any that you swear by?

What other tabs are open in your browser right now?

Do you have a lot of favorites/bookmarks in your browser? Are they well-organized? Outside of politics, what kinds of things do you bookmark?

Can you sew? Without a machine?

The Twitter Emitter