I received a lovely invitation to your site from Kysen, who was very kind about a diary I wrote on DKos. I wanted to say a quick hello, and to thank you for being here, for creating and supporting blogs like this one, and to promise I’ll try to be good.
I’m a pretty ardent supporter of President Obama, and that’s caused me some grief over the last couple of years. I don’t think I’m a ‘bot, but perhaps I am. What I think is that I’ve never known a more Progressive or committed president in my lifetime, which is currently about twice as long as I expected it would be. I barely recognize that oldish lady in the mirror – the inner person is still young and fired up about life and about being part of improving our world and our nation.
I marched and sang and joined and signed when I was still in my teens, I phone-banked and walked neighborhoods when I was in my early 20’s, I helped form a neighborhood association during that time as well. Then I took a couple of decades off to work on recovering from alcoholism and managing bi-polar disorder. I tried really hard to fit into what I thought I should be, and failed rather spectacularly. Repeatedly. About 12 years ago I hit “fuck ’em if they can’t take a joke” mode, and life is easier