Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

The Daily F Bomb, Sunday 1/13

It’s Sunday Morning…

Obviously I don’t feel like getting up. 😉

Eggs: Over easy, medium, or well? Pancakes: Fat or thin? Waffles: Syrup, fruit, or what? Juice: OJ, Bloody Mary, or Mimosa? Coffee: Black or tan or white? Potatoes: Hash browns or home fries? Bacon, Sausage, or fake stuff made to resemble meat?

‘Twas a slow Twitter day, unless you were into the games or Miss America:

Now, take your fingers out of your ears – it’s time for your history lesson.

The Daily F Bomb, Saturday 1/12

Happy Saturday, bomberinos!  There is some interesting stuff to talk about lately. Governor Moonbeam balances the budget? You know the Republicans will say he has two sets of books! One more Republican politician comes out with stupid sexist crap. Obama’s administration answers a few petitions…

Should Obama’s face be on Mt. Rushmore? Should Reagan’s? Should they have carved up a perfectly fine mountain in the first place to build a hubristic monument to humans? Would Teddy have approved? Does wine cause ovulation? If not, what does it cause? Do you engage in deficit spending? Do you have a personal debt ceiling? Can I borrow $10,000 buck until next payday? (Note: That would be someone else’s payday, not mine.)  Who is hotter, Legolas or Aragorn? Eowyn, Arwen, or Galadriel? Quick, what song is stuck in your head right now?

It’s Twitter Time:

Now for the history lesson:

The Daily F Bomb, Friday 1/11

Good morning again, Bombers. It’s finally Friday, for which I am thankful.

Yesterday they announced the Oscar nominations. There was once I time that I followed this stuff religiously, and pestered all my friends for screeners and tried to see every single nominee (I never succeeded, but I tried). Today’s controversial questions will focus on these awards.

Oscars: Award of merit or popularity (I mean popularity among the voters, not the public)? Who was the best host of the show? Has there ever been a good musical production number? Who keeps losing that you wish would win? Who keeps winning that you wish would lose? If you could cast “The Women” with denizens of the GOS, who would you cast as what? Wait, don’t answer that!  Should there be a separate category for comedies? Is Floja Roja’s dislike of one sleeved dresses on the red carpet justified? Are the talking heads on the red carpet shows annoying or what?

Now for the Daily Tweetshow (for a good time, check out the hashtag ‪#ConservativeBandNames‬):

Time for your history lesson!

The Daily F Bomb – Thursday, 1/10

Good morning, Bombers. Yesterday my news feed was all about the Baseball Hall of Fame (abbreviated HOF on Twitter, which to me means “Hair on Fire,” but that’s another controversy) and OMG, Obama doesn’t believe in diversity! (The two female Supreme Court Justices don’t count.)

Today’s REALLY IMPORTANT controversies are: Was the 1970s “disco sucks” movement racist? Coffee: dark roast or medium roast? African, Central/South American, Indonesian, Jamaican? Tapioca: Yummy or intrinsically creepy? Cats: Long hair or short hair? Wine: White or red? Homeowners’ Associations: Evil or just Nasty?

From The 10 best rape prevention tips you will ever see:…

Today’s Twitter Roundup:

Now, on to the history lesson!

The Daily F Bomb – Wednesday 1/9

Happy hump day, F Troopers!  The weather report warns of lightning storms and flash flooding on the GOS (flooding undoubtedly caused by tears of impotent rage). It is recommended that you stay inside where it is safe and warm, and we argue about more important things, like…

Do you pronounce the ‘t’ in often? (Do you pronounce the ‘t’ in soften?) Utilize instead of use: a bad or good thing? Yes, you can utilize that room as an office, but when you have been treated badly by your date, do you feel utilized? Would you buy a utilized car? Where do we draw the line? Who is worse, Nickelback or Creed? If you like one or the other, are you willing to admit it? Does the imminent return of high waisted pants delight or terrify you? What is your favorite decade (or era) for movies?

Your Twitter Cavalcade:



Now, time for our history lesson!

The Daily F Bomb – Tuesday 1/8

Good morning (or whatever it is wherever you are) my lovely Bombers. I trust all is as well as can be expected with you. Remember, it’s a scary blogosphere out there. Sockpuppets (they only look benign) and zombies and trolls and all manner of nightmares straight out of Hollywood’s greatest low budget dreams!

Today’s Very Important subjects to argue about: Laurel and Hardy or Abbott and Costello? Does cilantro really taste like soap? What is the right height for a tree? Martinis, shaken or stirred? Vodka or Gin? Olive or twist? Is it right that a drink can be a martini just because it is served in a martini glass? Which Dr. Who was the best? What was the most interesting century outside of our own? Discuss!

Today’s Twitter Review:

Now, get out your notebooks, it’s history time!

The Daily F Bomb

Remember it’s the Daily F Bomb

Good morning bombers! Oh wait, apologies. It’s Monday, that is rarely good.

Let’s argue about really important things! For instance… Pizza, just one topping or the works? Is there any fruit better in savory dishes than lemon? Is the Oxford comma useful? Small dogs or big dogs? Still water or fizzy water? Tortilla soup – tomato based or chicken soup with added tortilla strips? Do real men eat quiche?


Now, on to the history lesson!

The Daily F Bomb

This is a diary I have been posting every day on the GOS since Jan stopped doing J Town (she made me do it!). Half of my fan base has moved over here, so I shall be doing some cross-posting.   Today’s very important issues are: “Grow” as a transitive verb: Annoying? Is Auto-Tune the worst trend to happen to music in decades? If not, what is? Maraschino cherries: Food or decoration? Does anyone take Luke Russert seriously? Purple or Orange?  

Apparently no tweets allowed, sorry!

And now, time for your history lesson!

Barriers and Bridges: On Perceptions of Racism

Cross Posted from Daily Kos (at the request of those who aren’t returning)

I grew up in a very well-to-do suburb in Marin County, California.  Marin is a pretty liberal place now, and was when I was growing up as well.  My parents were both transplants from elsewhere. They had met while working as reporters for the El Paso Times. My mother quit working when she had my older brother, then they moved out to California when my father got a job at the Santa Rosa Press Democrat, and then moved to the San Francisco Chronicle.  My parents and all of their friends were very liberal – I think that being a real reporter – on the street, doing your own research, and trying to follow the rule of objectivity – tended to push even those not previously inclined to be liberal in that direction.  When it came to race, my parents, both descended from what a friend once termed “a long line of Southern bigots,” were determined to raise their kids NOT to be racist.  This was not so easy when there was so little exposure to people of color.