Happy Groundhog Day! I almost wrote that as “ground hog” day, but that would be sausage. Actually, I guess it may yet be ground hog day, since I have some maple pork sausage in the freezer.
So, what are you having for breakfast today? How do you take your coffee? Have I asked that before? At what age did you finally grow up? What is the next thing you are really looking forward to? What’s your favorite dance? (I understand kirbybruno is partial to the Bunny Hop. I have video.) If you read comics as a kid, what was your favorite?
Ring ring ring ring Twitterphone
Not the first or last time I will quote plf:
A conservative is someone who wants to make it harder for people to love each other and easier for them to kill each other.
— Peter Flom (@peterflom) February 1, 2013
Democracy isn’t supposed to work by handicapping an agency whose mission you disagree with by refusing to approve anyone to lead it.
— Jason Febery (@JasonFebery) February 1, 2013
If I ever hear you say something is “impactful” you know what’s going to be impactful is this desk lamp on the bridge of your nose.
— Ken Jennings (@KenJennings) February 1, 2013
I really am trying to cut the spaces between sentences from two to one. But I’m a trained lawyer. Lawyers are all about the two spaces. #two
— Imani ABL (@AngryBlackLady) February 1, 2013
Sad that Barney Bush died before he received his birthright of an NBC news dog affairs correspondent gig.
— Chris (@chriscesq) February 1, 2013
RIP Barney Bush. They say he died of lymphoma, but we all know it was from depression after Obama won a 2nd term.#BarneyTruther
— Top Conservative Cat (@TeaPartyCat) February 1, 2013
Even if the GOP obeyed Jindal and stopped being the stupid party, it would still be the mean greedy ugly old bastard party.
— Chris Dashiell (@cdashiell) February 2, 2013