Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

The Daily F Bomb, Saturday 2/2/13

Happy Groundhog Day! I almost wrote that as “ground hog” day, but that would be sausage. Actually, I guess it may yet be ground hog day, since I have some maple pork sausage in the freezer.

So, what are you having for breakfast today? How do you take your coffee? Have I asked that before? At what age did you finally grow up? What is the next thing you are really looking forward to? What’s your favorite dance? (I understand kirbybruno is partial to the Bunny Hop. I have video.) If you read comics as a kid, what was your favorite?

Ring ring ring ring Twitterphone

Not the first or last time I will quote plf:

The Daily F Bomb, Friday 2/1/13

Happy Friday! Don’t forget to tip your server without leaving snide notes!

Questions, I has them: What was your least favorite subject in school? Do you still hate it? Do you have any phobias? What are you allergic to? Are there any public figures that you might as well be allergic to? What present day fashion can you NOT get on board with?

Row, row, row your boat gently down the Twitter stream…

The Daily F Bomb, Thursday 1/31

Thursday already! Good morning, everyone! It’s National Popcorn Day, where is the Republican entertainment?

Today’s questions are: What is your favorite National Park? You don’t need to have been there, just want to go there, or simply love the idea of it. What is your favorite State Park? What is your favorite City park? Stealing a bit from Inside the Actor’s Studio, what is your least favorite word? What is your favorite word? What do you think is the most misused word today? What is your Pet Punctuation Peeve?

Selections From the Twitter Menu

The Daily F Bomb, Wednesday 1/30

Happy Wednesday, friends! January is almost over. As I asked a friend yesterday, do you have your Christmas shopping done yet? It will be here before you know it!

I have questions: What is the most difficult dish you ever made (successfully)? As kids many of us were stubborn and very closed minded about things. Food is one. I hated everything except Macaroni and cheese, but once I was out on my own, I learned to love all kinds of food. What foods did you hate as a child that you have grown to love today? How about music? Teenagers can be awfully contemptuous about what Mom and Dad like to listen to. What music did you not like as a kid that you have grown to appreciate, if not love, today? What is your thermostat set at?  What was your favorite childhood toy? Do you still have it?

From my Tweetfile to yours:

The Daily F Bomb, Tuesday 1/29

Happy Tuesday, Troopers!  Just another day in the neighborhood, with Alabama congresscritters proposing bills that would basically make government illegal, NRA jerks heckling the father of one of the Newtown victims, the Boy Scouts maybe allowing gays, immigration reform becoming a bit more possible… Oh, and I say Lincoln is better than Silver Linings Playbook, Les Miz, or Argo (of all the whatchamacallit nominees I’ve seen so far).

My nosiness remains boundless: What is your favorite music to clean house to? Nuts and chews or soft centers (candy, you fool)? Is cooked fruit OK? Are sweet ingredients (like fruit) OK in savory dishes? When you were little did you prefer to play indoors or outdoors? How about now?

Excerpts from the Twitter Stream of (un)Consciousness:

This still hasn’t been resolved as of my bedtime: What does Rep. Jack Kimble (Imaginary R, CA) want with Daily KOS?:

A burning local Los Angeles issue that I am completely on board with:

The Daily F Bomb, Monday 1/28

Monday, Monday… much more like the Mamas and Papas than the Bangles. No matter how much coffee I pound down, I cannot be manic on Mondays. Not that my Monday experience matches this one…

Now, tell me… What is your favorite day of the week? Do you have it embroidered on your underwear? What is your favorite song to dance to, the one you can’t sit still when you hear it? What is the first record or CD you bought with your own money for yourself? What is the last music you bought?

Now let us partake of the tawdriness that is Twitter:

Now, sit down and pay attention to your history lesson!

The Daily F Bomb, Sunday 1/27

Good morning, Effers! I trust you have a pleasant Sunday planned.

Today is National Chocolate cake day, so if you please, describe your favorite chocolate cake. What is your favorite breakup song? What is the best vacation you ever had in your life? The worst? Should cornbread be sweet?

Now let us muddy our feet in the Twitter Stream. Forgive Bloombito, he’s making fun of Bloomberg’s mangled Spanish, not the language itself:

Now for some Sunday School:

The Daily F Bomb, Saturday 1/26

Salutary Saturday, everyone. I am tempted to sleep in. May I, please?

But first I have questions.  If money was no object, where would you retire to? What’s the best side dish found in the deli? What is your favorite commercial (of all time)? What is your least favorite/stupidest/most annoying commercial of all time? What is the best love song?

Today’s Twitter Stream:

Now let’s have some history:

The Daily F Bomb, Friday 1/25

F-ing Friday, finally!  Fancy that!

There is always talk about comfort food, that food we grew up on that takes us back to a time when we felt happy and secure and loved. I hope it does not make you uncomfortable for me to ask these. Of course I will start with the food. What is your absolute favorite comfort food? What song or album takes you back to those times when you hear it, that it could be called Comfort Music? What book is your Comfort Book? This one is not necessarily relating to the past: What would your perfect Comfort Room be? A space that would suit you entirely, that you could share or not share as you please?

Was that too serious? One more: Places that have great burgers but no fries. Deal breaker or not?

Now let us go wading in the Twitter Stream:

Now open your history books to page 3,458. There will be a test afterward.

The Daily F Bomb – Thursday, 1/24

Have a Thrilling Thursday, my Thermonuclear F-Bombers!

If there were a talking filibuster and you were a Senator filibustering something, what would YOU use (book, etc.) as your filibuster talk? What is the most beautiful rural place you have ever seen? What is the most beautiful urban place you have ever seen? Risotto or Paella? What is your favorite one hit by a one hit wonder?What makes your most annoying neighbor so annoying?

My Twitter Stream was muddied a bit, mostly by the Hillary Hearings.

Now let’s talk History!