Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

The Daily F Bomb, Tuesday 2/12/13

Good morning, again. I’m watching people get snowed on on TV while i sit in my heated apartment. Outside it’s a toasty 40-something. That white stuff looks cold. You guys can keep it. 😉

Today’s interrogatories:  What is the best comeback line you ever came up with? Was it timely or did you think of it after the fact? Do you say “all of a sudden” or “all the sudden”? Were you ever a tattletale as a kid? What’s the oddest job you ever had? What is the bigger waste of time, reports or meetings? Are you religious, or spiritual (not the same thing) or neither?

From the Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Monday 2/11/13

Good morrow, friends! I trust you slept well? Grab some coffee and wake up your brain. It’s Monday.

Queries: Did you ever have braces? Do you need glasses (don’t we all)? Do you ride horses at all? When was the last time you rode a bike? What odd little treasures did you collect as a child? Have you experienced any earthquakes? Tornadoes? Hurricanes?

Today’s Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Sunday 2/10/13

Good morning!  Sunday already. Some Sunday music, first.

What is the best adventure you ever had (even if it wasn’t fun at the time)? Have you won any awards? What imaginary award are you deserving of? Do you use baby talk with your pets (or children or grandchildren)? Do you have rhythm? Do you play any musical instruments? Well?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Saturday 2/9/13

Happy Saturday, or Caturday, or Fatterday (I eat a huge breakfast on the weekends, so that applies…)

Today’s Interrogation: Did you ever engage in any kind of behavior that you regret today? How many languages do you speak? What is your favorite movie adaptation of a novel you have read and enjoyed? What is your least favorite movie version of a novel you have read and enjoyed? What is the worst thing you have encountered being added to what should be a favorite dish of yours in a restaurant?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Friday 2/8/13

Friday, friday, gotta get down on Friday… oops, sorry. I’ve got Friday on My Mind. The Bowie version, this time.

Questions: Gee/mgeorges suggested asking a variety of yesterday’s first question regarding traits inherited from parental units. This one is, which traits did you NOT inherit – one that you are glad you didn’t inherit and one that you wish you had inherited?  Were you someone famous in a past life? If yes, who, and if not, make up a good one. Where are you on the scale between fastidious and sloppy? What is your favorite bird to watch? What epitaph would you like on your headstone?

Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Thursday 2/7/13

Good morning, Bombadillos! I ache fiercely all over from yesterday’s workout, but it’s a good ache. Nothing a coffee/Advil cocktail won’t cure.

Interrogation time! Did you have strict parents or permissive ones? Did you behave or did you rebel and/or take advantage of their good nature? Pigeons: Rats with wings or a valued and wonderful bird?  How much do you usually leave for a tip? After family, pets, and photos, what would you save in a fire? What trait did you inherit from your parents that one does not usually considered inheritable (for instance, I have the smart-ass gene)?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Wednesday 2/6/13

Buenas Dias, Bomberinos! Funny how these morning things keep inexorably rolling around again and again, faster and faster… unless you’re sick or have insomnia.

I have questions. Do you have insomnia often? How do you handle it, do you fight it and try to sleep or give up and do something? Leisure time: Do you kick back and relax (we call it “blobbing”) or do you get out and do things? Are you a morning person? If not, what time of day do you shine? Do you believe in ghosts? If so, have you encountered any?

Twitter Time

The Daily F Bomb, Tuesday 2/5/13

Greetings, Bombers! It’s a fine morning here in CA, with a thin layer of smog concealing the blue of the sky (well, OK, it’s still dark here, but that is how it looked yesterday afternoon) and a faint scent of exhaust in the air. Everyone will assure me it’s a beautiful day, because… warm.

I have questions: Are there any animals (not bugs) that scare you? (It’s monkeys for me, creepy little devils.) Have you ever been hypnotized (knowingly, I mean)? Which of the alphabetical personality types are you (A, B…)? Were you ever in the Scouts (boy/girl)? Did you get kicked out or quit? 😉 Are you handy or helpless when it comes to fixing things around the house?


(most of these are leftovers, but if you complain you don’t get dessert!)

The Daily F Bomb, Monday 2/4/13

Good morning, Bomber and Meeses and everyone else. These Mondays really come around inexorably, don’t they?

Questions of the day: Of all the liberal causes out there (and they are legion), which is nearest and dearest to your heart? What is your favorite spot in your home to sit and relax? What is your preferred snack food for big televised events (from inaugurations to award shows to sporting events or the new season of whatever show)? Gardens: Wild or formal? Pets: Purebred or mutt?

Twitter Tornado

Most of you implied you did not care who won the Super Bowl last night, but perhaps some watched for the commercials. Or maybe not. Still, it was quite a night, and I have a gazillion tweets that I would love to post, 99% having to do with either the game (some tying it in to politics) or the ads.

There was a Dodge ad with the tag line, “God made a farmer” that was narrated by Paul Harvey. Very rah-rah, isn’t white rural America the best thing ever.” Here are a couple inspired by that ad:

There was a power outage at the Super Dome mid game, right after the half time show. San Francisco was losing badly before the outage. They came back strongly after the outage, though not enough to win.

Maybe more later in the comments.

The Daily F Bomb, Sunday 2/3/13

Good morning, all! It’s Sunday, the day before Monday, the last chance to sleep late before the work week begins anew.

Today’s nosy questions: Who are you rooting for in the Super Bowl? What is the absolute worst household chore? Do you do windows? If so, will you come here and do mine? Who is the most famous person you ever met? (Let’s exclude political figures, that would make it way too easy for this crowd.) Photography: What’s your preference, color or black and white?
