Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

The Daily F Bomb, Wednesday, 3/13/13

Greetings and happy Wednesday, Bomberinos. Let me say that I loved everyone’s responses to yesterday’s nosy questions. Too bad work keeps me from hanging out and really getting into the discussion.


What is your biggest regret in your life? Would you want to be immortal? If you were, what would you do with your time? If you had a friend who talked to you like you sometimes talk to yourself, would you still be friends? (What do you mean, you never talk to yourself?) Here’s an old question: If you had one wish that could be granted in full, what would you wish for? If you suddenly had a huge financial windfall, what would you do with it?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Tuesday 3/12/13

Good morning, bombshells! Have you found that lost hour of sleep yet? Have some coffee, you know driving sleepy is just as bad as driving drunk, just less stigma.


Who was the first President you voted for? Were you raised by Liberals or Conservatives? If the latter, where did they go wrong? 😉 What was the turning point where you realized that you had a different set of values? What was the first volunteer work you ever did? How many U.S. States have you visited?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Monday 3/11/13

Oh well, it had to happen. Another Monday rolls around. The worst of all Mondays, coming on the heels of that missing hour (did you know hours had heels?). Speaking of missing hours, I really need to get a new alarm clock that doesn’t automatically reset the time according to the 1986-2006 DST. But, if I do that, you know Congress will change it again.


What once perfectly good words can you think of that have been ruined by media overuse and/or misuse?  What do you like to do to unwind and relax? When did you first start using the internet? How many real-life friends have you made online? If you haven’t met anyone in person that you met online, how do we all know that you aren’t really a dog?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Sunday 3/10/13

Greetings, Bombaneros! I hope your Sunday is serene and relaxing. You know it’s a day of rest, so by all means, rest! (Note: eating and drinking ARE a form of rest, in case you were wondering.)


What was your first favorite book as a child?  What was your first favorite non-children’s book? Do you still own any of these? Daylight Saving Time – for or against? Why? Pet owners – how many pets do you have, and what are they?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Saturday 3/9/13

Happy Saturday, Bombrewskis! I hope you are well on this fine sunny/rainy/snowy/foggy/none of the above morning.  Now, where is my coffee?


If you could be painted by any famous artist in history, who would you choose? If you could be photographed by any famous photographer in history, who would you choose? What fictional character do you most identify with? If your life story was made into a movie, who do you think should play you? (Don’t limit yourself to living actors if your favorite is no more.)

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Friday 3/8/13

Happy Friday, Bombadeiros!  How’s it hangin’?

My knees have already mostly recovered from my fall. I have a policy – if nothing pops or creaks, keep it moving. I kept moving after tripping, and my knees never got swollen and never stiffened up. I do workers’ comp for a living, and it seems to me the ones who suffer the longest are the ones who instantly go sedentary when they get injured. My wrist has improved range of motion, but I still need the brace I picked up yesterday (I had one at home, but the color was soooooo butt-ugly that I had to find an alternative).


Let’s talk about ever-changing standards of beauty. Picking from any period in history, you just have to have seen pictures of the person or persons in question, who is the most beautiful woman you can think of, in your opinion? You don’t have to narrow it down to one if you can’t. How about the most beautiful/handsome man? What is your favorite number? Do you need a dark room to fall asleep in, or does it not matter? Are you an easy sleeper or do you suffer from insomnia? Do you prefer nights or mornings?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Thursday 3/7/13

Thalutationths, Bombstherth! It’th Thursday.

I fell down and went boom yesterday, effed up my right knee, but most of all my left hand. I have to let my right hand hit the shift key for the left one, because too much range of motion hurts. Too bad I didn’t do it at work, I could handle my own workers’ comp claim!

Oh well, let me poke my nose into your business. Don’t hold back!


Those of you who cook: What is your very best dish? Can we have the recipe? 😉 What fashion from your youth would you like to see come back in style?  What fashion from your youth would send you running from the room screaming if it came back in style? What is your favorite day of the week?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Wednesday 3/6/13

Happy hump day, Bombdroppers! How are you all today? For me it’s till all uphill until the end of the workday, after that it’s downhill (in a good way). I only have two conference calls today! Blessed relief.

Now, spill!


Are you a bargain hunter? If so, what is the best bargain you ever found? Do you prefer showers or baths? How green are you/your habits/your home? What is your favorite ethnic food? What, of that food, is your favorite dish?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Tuesday 3/5/13

Good morning, Bombazinos! It’s Terrible Tuesday. Terrible because I have a gazillion conference calls to do at work and will have even less time to hang out (not that I have time on good days).


If you could be sidekick to any hero out there, who would you pick (I call dibs on Aragorn!)?  How many delivery menus do you have sitting around your place? How many different cuisines? Who were you named after? What do you drink your coffee (or tea) out of? Who is your favorite comedian of all time?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Monday 3/4/13

Welcome to Monday. Please be sure that you are wearing something that fits the dress code. Be punctual. If you take the last cup of coffee, please make more. Smile! 😉


What words or phrases in common usage today drive you up the wall? What common mispronunciation drives you up the wall? If you could go back and visit any particular place and time, what would it be? If you could learn the answer to any historical unsolved mysteries, what would you want to know? What is your favorite adventure story (in any medium)?

The Twitter Emitter