Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

The Daily F Bomb, Friday 4/5/13


What is the best gift you ever received? What song/book/movie or other title best describes your life right now? What is the last movie/TV show or story that made you cry? With Spring getting ready to spring, what is your favorite spring flower? What did you learn in grade school that you learned was wrong in college?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Thursday 4/4/13


Do you think we’ll get flying cars in your lifetime? Do we really want them? Sports fans, who are your teams (any sport)? Are or were you athletic? What athletics or sports were you best at? Is the Designated Hitter really an abomination?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Wednesday 4/3/13


What is your earliest memory? What would you like to have more of in your life? What would you like to have less of in your life? If you could have back one hour with any departed friend or family member, what would you want to talk to them about? Not counting music, what is your favorite sound?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Tuesday 4/2/13


How good is your concentration; can you simply shut out unwanted distractions, or do they drive you to distraction?  How susceptible are you to the lure of shiny objects? What kind of shiny objects (it doesn’t really have to shine – it could be that new book you got in the mail) is your favorite? What is your favorite holiday and why?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Monday 4/1/13


Have you ever played an April Fool prank on anyone, and if so, what? What April Fool pranks have been played on you?  What qualities do you require in a friend? Name one thing you will never, ever do. Do you like it where you live, or would you live elsewhere if circumstances and money allowed?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Friday 3/29/13


In what ways are you a perfectionist? In what areas are you a purist? Do you say “coke,” “pop,” or “soda?”  Did you inhale? What small act of kindness were you once shown that you will never forget? Have you committed any random acts of kindness lately? If your life were a movie, TV show, or novel, what genre would it fit in best?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Thursday 3/28/13


Do you usually act on impulse or deliberate first? What cheers you up when you’re feeling meh? What scares you the most? What decade of your life do you look back upon with the most nostalgia? Are you now, in your present life, anywhere close to where you imagined you would be when you were young(er)?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Wednesday 3/27/13

Happy Hump Day, H-Bombers.

Have at it!


What was your high school life like, fun or miserable or in-between? Are you a joiner (clubs, etc.)? What, if any, religion were you raised in? Are you still? What do you hope to be up to when you are 80? What food is your greatest downfall?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Tuesday 3/26/13

Top o’ the Tuesday to ya, Bombtemps!


Is there anything special you are looking forward to right now? Is there anybody that you envy? What have you learned recently? It’s National Spinach Day, how do you like your spinach? Do you ever practice austerity in your own life, such as cutting back on chocolate or coffee?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Monday 3/25/13

Happy Monday, Bomb-critters! It was a lovely weekend, wasn’t it?


What is your primary form of transportation? (Mine are feet and bus.) Is there anything that you continue to do the old school way even though there are new, labor saving ways to do it? What labor saving device do you wish someone would invent? What stereotype that applies to your gender annoys you the most? What do you wish your life had more of? What do you wish your life had less of?

The Twitter Emitter