It’s International Tuba Day. Do you have a favorite tune in which the tuba features prominently?
Mobile phone owners – do you still remember any phone numbers, or do you rely on the phone to remember them for you?
Did you ever dislike a movie enough to walk out of the theater mid-film? Which ones?
Do you have any crushes on any famous people? If so, who?
The Twitter Emitter
Paul Ryan: “Well, sure, Meals On Wheels was cut by The Sequesterâ„¢, but I’m sure seniors are glad for the opportunity to get out more.”
— Top Conservative Cat (@TeaPartyCat) May 2, 2013
Elitists are assaulting your right to not know how to spell.
— Chris Dashiell (@cdashiell) May 2, 2013
If you think it’s smart to destroy evidence for your terrorist friend, I am going to suggest to you that maybe you’re not college material.
— pourmecoffee (@pourmecoffee) May 2, 2013
IDEA: Call Guantánamo Bay “public housing for Muslims” and the GOP will immediately shut it down.
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) May 2, 2013
Behind every right wing pronouncement is hatred of something or someone.
— Chris Dashiell (@cdashiell) May 2, 2013
You wouldn’t want to let Plan B to fall into the hands of some irresponsible teenager — WHO WILL THEN HAVE A BABY.
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) May 2, 2013
I agree we shld legalize pot but we need to still be able to make jokes about indolence and munching #myplatform
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) May 2, 2013
I must thank the GOP for deciding it was their job to destroy Marco Rubio & Chris Christie while leaving their unelectable candidates to me.
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) May 2, 2013
The most reliable way to make money is to buy a solid business, loot it for personal gain, destroy it and run like hell.#business
— Pachacutec(@Pachacutec_) May 2, 2013
Benghazi, Bengheezy, Hasenpfeffer Incorporated.
— eclecticbrotha (@eclecticbrotha) May 2, 2013
The fact that condoms are available for all without much fuss, but Plan B creates so much panic says it all, doesn’t it?
— Amanda Marcotte (@AmandaMarcotte) May 2, 2013
If you can be too young to drive; too young to vote; too young to drink; to young to marry – why can’t you be too young to have a GUN?
— Peter Flom (@peterflom) May 2, 2013