Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

The Daily F Bomb, Friday 5/3/13


It’s International Tuba Day. Do you have a favorite tune in which the tuba features prominently?

Mobile phone owners – do you still remember any phone numbers, or do you rely on the  phone to remember them for you?

Did you ever dislike a movie enough to walk out of the theater mid-film? Which ones?

Do you have any crushes on any famous people? If so, who?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Thursday 5/2/13


Have you or anyone you know actually bought anything from spammers?

Have you made the acquaintance of any Nigerian princes?

Have you ever tried truffles? Which kind, and did you like them?

What is your favorite charity?

Do you still read an actual newspaper? Which one?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Wednesday 5/1/13


How many of the month-long observances listed below apply to you?

What’s your favorite Mother Goose rhyme?

If you’ve ever really liked a TV commercial, which one(s)?

Describe the perfect sandwich.

What scarier, spiders or snakes?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Tuesday 4/30/13


For National Oatmeal Cookie Day and National Raisin Day, would you prefer the two combined, or is raisins in anything an abomination?

Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the AARP?

If you are too young, are you in the habit of traipsing on the lawns of old people?

Have you ever had a hairstylist really mess up your hair? How so?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Monday 4/29/13


In what ways do you consider yourself to be creative?

What is your favorite dance/type of dancing?

Are you more of a participator or observer?

What do you think is the single most important/contributory factor in the dumbing down of America?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Friday 4/26/13


Did your parents approve in your choice of boy/girlfriends?

Did you ever get grounded? What for?

Did you hang out with the geeks or the jocks in school?

Who were you named after?

Do you/did you have any imaginary friends?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Thursday 4/25/13


Those of you who are married – church or civil? Did you spend a lot of money or go frugal?

Did you go to your prom? Do you still know your date from that night?

Have you ever been on TV? If so, do tell.

What is better, sunrise or sunset?

How long can you hold a grudge?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F-Bomb


Do you still live near where you grew up, or did you end up living far away? If you are still in the same area, did you ever live far away?

What is the farthest you’ve ever been from home?

Do you get homesick, and if so, how long does it take to kick in?

Are you short, tall, or in-between?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Tuesday 4/23/13


It’s National Picnic Day. What would your ideal picnic basket contain?

What would be the perfect picnic location?

Do you remember the New Coke? Did you try it? Was it bad?

If you could kill any one Federal law, which one would it be?

If you could create one Federal law, what would it be?

The Twitter Emitter

The Daily F Bomb, Monday 4/22/13


If you had a Spirit Animal/Power Animal/familiar, what would it be?

Do you have a lucky number?

TV: Cable or Satellite or just plain broadcast?

Internet: Dial-up, DSL, Cable or Satellite?

The Twitter Emitter

This includes the best of the tweets during the manhunt last week: