When you go shopping, do you have brand loyalties, or do you buy whatever is cheapest?
What language do you wish you spoke?
It’s National Pizza Party Day, what do you want on your pizza?
Do you have pack-rat tendencies at all?
What is the last thing that made you really laugh?
The Twitter Emitter
Being popular on Twitter is like dating Lennay Kekua. It’s nice to go along with the fantasy, but it’s probably a dude talking in falsetto.
— William K. Wolfrum (@Wolfrum) May 16, 2013
I have to agree with Wolf Blitzer. Hundres of people dying every day is way less important than a discussion about talking points.
— Frank Vdl (@fvdlfvdl) May 16, 2013
Has anyone checked Benghazi’s birth certificate yet? Pretty sure he’s not even American.
— Nita Chaudhary (@nitalovesmiles) May 16, 2013
Sometimes that silver stuff lining the inside of your cloud is asbestos.#DailyAffirmationTweet
— Joseph Scrimshaw (@JosephScrimshaw) May 16, 2013
It appears that Tea Party outrage and exploding foamy pigshit are two separate subjects despite the remarkable similarities.
— TBogg (@tbogg) May 16, 2013
“And no, I’m not racist.” — A racist.
— Chris Dashiell (@cdashiell) May 16, 2013
Why do very smart people spend so much time talking about what’s been said that day by very dumb people? Not very smart, if you ask me.
— Jordan Birnbaum (@JordanBirnbaum) May 16, 2013
Being gay ruins marriage but cheating on your 2nd wife with your 3rd mistress can be forgiven #GOPBible
— jimmy streich (@streicher187) May 16, 2013
Dear GOP – you elected Mark Sanford and David Vitter so you lost moral grounds on Anthony Weiner #tcot #p2
— jimmy streich (@streicher187) May 16, 2013
Tea Party wants to game the political process without contributing any taxes. The moocher class par excellence.
— Chris Dashiell (@cdashiell) May 17, 2013
Someone just asked Me, “Can I have a Ferrari and a huge cock?” No one’s got both, My friend.
— God (@TheTweetOfGod) May 17, 2013
Republicans know that a lie, once it’s released to the ‘wild’ can never be recalled. It’s how they operate.
—UltraVerified (@UltraVerified) May 17, 2013