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The Twitter Emitter
I hope Harry Reid's tombstone reads: "It was worth dying to choke Mitch McConnell to death with my bare hands."
— allanbrauer (@allanbrauer) July 11, 2013
I'm excited about prospect of @SarahPalinUSA serving a 3 yr Senate term
— Gen JC Christian (@JC_Christian) July 11, 2013
North Carolina: keeping you safe from motorcycle abortions and sharia law since 2013
— Ari Berman (@AriBerman) July 11, 2013
If an adult man is following a teenage boy, stalking him, and he's not a priest…
— Shannyn Moore (@shannynmoore) July 11, 2013
Zimmerman told Hannity that him shooting #TrayvonMarton was God's plan, which was different from the police's plan of him staying in his car
— The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) July 11, 2013
I wonder what John Boehner's doing incompetently right now.
— Danforth France (@danforthfrance) July 11, 2013
Today's Senate debates are breaking records for unserious uses of the term "my friend"
— daveweigel (@daveweigel) July 11, 2013
Dear @nprnews When you say a bill "failed" in the US Senate, and it really was blocked by GOP filibuster, you are lying to your audience.
— rootless (@root_e) July 11, 2013
I don't know about "killing the Senate", but I'd like to see someone kill Senate access to mediocre clip art.
— Hunter (@HunterDK) July 11, 2013
"yo mama so fat not even the gop would vote against cloture on a nonbinding resolution acknowledging her fatness" #senateyomamajokes
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) July 11, 2013
BREAKING: House refuses to take up sharknado relief bill
— Josh Greenman (@joshgreenman) July 11, 2013
I just got a front row parking space at Trader Joe's without even trying. The end is nigh.
— Wil Wheaton (@wilw) July 11, 2013
Fixing broken immigration system will cut debt by $1T, although we could just leave things broken and cut Food Stamps instead, says GOP
— Richard Hine (@richardhine) July 11, 2013