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The Twitter Emitter
Pretty unfair that sharks get a whole week and vampires only get a weekend.
— Kevin Farzad (@KevinFarzad) August 5, 2013
Obama canceling the summit is his way of putin Russia in its place.
— CC:Indecision (@indecision) August 7, 2013
I'm still confused by the logistics of taking a picture of your own penis in a glass of wine.
— Ian (@iboudreau) August 7, 2013
Politifact rates its own name half-true (h/t @iamrc10)
— The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) August 7, 2013
If I had 5 wishes, I'd use them all to wish people would stop counting shit. #IHateBuzzfeed
— Andrew Gatto (@AndrewGatto) August 7, 2013
With States Rights come States Responsibilities. #confessyourunpopularopinion
— Bryan (@FoldsOfFlab) August 8, 2013
Capybaras alwayes looke lyke Edward Gorey designede them.
— Chaucer Doth Tweet (@LeVostreGC) August 8, 2013
The winning Powerball numbers aren't 11-19-37-47-53-24.
— Ben Greenman (@bengreenman) August 8, 2013
"Give a million monkeys a million typewriters and you'll get Shakespeare" has been proven wrong by the internet.
— Cliff Bleszinski (@therealcliffyb) August 8, 2013
Telling an atheist to go to hell is like asking an economist to invest in a Ponzi scheme. They don't believe in false profits.
— DC Debbie (@DCdebbie) August 8, 2013