Looking at today’s weird holidays…
Have you ever met a lazy mom?
When do you plan to fight procrastination? How do you intend to go about it?
What book are you reading now? Have any books defeated you lately?
When was the last time you stayed up past your bedtime? Was it worth it?
The Twitter Emitter
Fear not, My beloved Tebow. I never close a door without opening an analyst gig on Fox Sports.
— God (@TheTweetOfGod) August 31, 2013
SCIENTISTS AGREE: The more likely you are think think a fetus is a person, the less likely you are to think a woman is.
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) September 5, 2013
@VanJones68 #US Sign of a declining empire: having one's national "credibility" depend upon periodically bombing other countries. #Syria
— Zauberer (@DieZauberer) September 5, 2013
Counting calories is so great because it's two fun things in one: self-loathing and math!!!
— Megan Amram (@meganamram) September 5, 2013
Administration will allow benefits to spouses of gay veterans, which as predicted, led Louie Gohmert to perform bestiality.
— Top Conservative Cat (@TeaPartyCat) September 5, 2013
Ten years ago, critics of the White House's foreign policy were accused by Fox News of giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
— Chris Dashiell (@cdashiell) September 5, 2013
Rush Limbaugh wrote a children's book: "Aspiring bullies have nowhere to go for mentoring. The world is against them, so I wanted to help."
— Top Conservative Cat (@TeaPartyCat) September 5, 2013
RT @TheTweetOfGod: You can't spell "inflated sense of self-importance" without NFL.
— Geoff Ninecow (@geoff9cow) September 6, 2013
The NFL has decided to seek congressional approval before it starts the game
— Will Bunch (@Will_Bunch) September 6, 2013
It's funny how many streets are named for the kind of trees chopped down to pave them.
— God (@TheTweetOfGod) August 31, 2013