Did you go to your prom? Did you enjoy it? Who was your date, what did you wear, and what kind of music did they have? Was it a decorated gym, or one of the lavish ones that have become a thing in recent years?
Did you ever work the phones at a telethon or pledge drive? Know anyone who did? Ever call and pledge?
What is the first record or CD that you ever bought with your own money?
The Twitter Emitter
Cut food stamps to encourage work. Also, cut fire departments to encourage safety.
— Chris Dashiell (@cdashiell) September 19, 2013
As near as I can tell, current GOP civil war is about who can eat the most bugs in one sitting.
— Hunter (@HunterDK) September 19, 2013
Has the catchphrase "waste, fraud & abuse" become shorthand for, "I'm a heartless right-winger?"
— Mark Fiore (@MarkFiore) September 20, 2013
Repubs r so concerned abt fetal pain but never wonder what a hungry belly feels like.
— Tina (@trcfwtt) September 20, 2013
Hypothesis: The more the Pope moves to the center, the longer the GOP has to pee on the poor.
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) September 20, 2013
Food is for closers.
— David Waldman (@KagroX) September 20, 2013
Properly butchered and frozen, Rush Limbaugh could feed a family of four for six months. #EatTheGOP
— allanbrauer (@allanbrauer) September 20, 2013
For those of you who keep Kosher, sorry, but all we have is Eric Cantor. #EatTheGOP
— allanbrauer (@allanbrauer) September 20, 2013
You're a Republican if you think the gov't should pay farmers to grow food that gov't shouldn't help struggling families to buy
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) September 20, 2013
I remember how the folks on food stamps cost our country trillions by selling bets on bad mortgages to suckers. Glad they're being punished!
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) September 20, 2013
In an effort to reduce spending, GOP insisting poor get off food stamps and use email instead.
— Derek Johnson (@derekjjohnson) September 20, 2013
Remember that time food stamp recipients spent trillions invading Iraq for no particular reason?
— Lucas O'Connor (@lucasoconnor) September 20, 2013
Pope Francis: "The Church has grown obsessed with abortion, gay marriage and contraception. I mean, who put Rick Santorum in charge?"
— Top Conservative Cat (@TeaPartyCat) September 20, 2013