Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Firearms Legislation

A proposed simple approach to Firearms legislation. My views on the issue are rooted in the following:

1) The Second Amendment establishes a right for Americans to own firearms. It also allows for sensible regulation thereof.

2) With Rights come Responsibilities.

3) Your rights end where someone else’s begins.

With that……..

I’ve Missed So Many of You

I’ve missed many of you and I know some have wondered if I’m ok because I sort of vanished off the internet.

In short, I’m fine!!  Like anyone, I’ve had some challenges and life changes and will more than likely be moving to the UK, while traveling there quite a bit between now and then.

LIke all of you, I was so thrilled and relieved by the election results. I was fairly confident Obama would win. But, the results were more than I had even hoped for. GOBAMA !! I’m looking forward to the next 4 years.