OK. So firedoglake has compiled nominations to primary Obama. It’s an awesome list!!! (See below the fold).
Here’s a weekend game. Let’s put our own list together. Out of the FDL nominations, I’m particularly interested in the notions of a Spitzer/Hagel 2012 campaign, or a Clooney/Affleck fall back.
But my first choice would be two names that that crowd failed to anoint for consideration: A Snoop Dog/Floyd Landis ticket. Check the list below. Whaddya think? Other ideas? How about David Blaine and some anonymous mathematician from, say, Stanford? Mark Wahlberg and Lady GaGa?
Al Franken
Al Gore
Alan Grayson
Alexander Cockburn
Amy Klobuchar
Andrew Bacevich
Andrew Cuomo
Andrew Romanoff
Anuradha Bhagwati (no Wikipedia entry)
Arianna Huffington
Brian Schweitzer
Ben Affleck
Bernie Sanders
William K. Black
Bill McKibben
Bill Maher
Bill Moyers
Bill Richardson
Billie Joe Armstrong
Brad Birkenfeld (note: Information on Birkenfeld’s place of birth is not readily accessible)
Bruce Springsteen
Buffy Sainte-Marie
Cenk Uygar
Cindy Sheehan
Chuck Hagel
Cory Booker
Cynthia McKinney
Dahr Jamail
Dan Choi (Too young, but note for future consideration.)
Danny Glover
Darcy Burner
David Corn
David Sirota
Dawn Johnsen
Dean Baker (note: Information on Baker’s place of birth is not readily accessible)
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Dennis Kucinich
Dick Durbin
Don Siegelman
Donna Edwards
Dylan Ratigan
Ehren Watada (Too young, but note for future consideration.)
Eliot Spitzer
Eddie Vedder
Elizabeth Edwards
Elizabeth Warren
Geoffrey Canada
George Clooney
George Miller
George J. Mitchell
Glenn Greenwald
Henry Waxman
Howard Dean
James Galbraith (note: Information on Galbraith’s place of birth is not readily accessible)
Henry Rollins
Janeane Garafalo
Jello Biafra
Jesse Ventura
Jill Stein
Joe Wilson
Jim Hightower
Jan Schakowsky
Jane Hamsher
Jeff Merkley
Jerrold Nadler
Jerry Brown
Jim Webb
Jimmy Carter
Joan Jett
Joe Sestak
John Aravosis (note: confirmation of Aravosis’s place of birth, listed in several places online as “America,” is not readily available)
John Hickenlooper
John R. Talbott (note: Information on Talbott’s place of birth is not readily accessible)
Jon Bon Jovi
Jon Hamm
Jon Stewart
Jon Tester
Jonathan Turley (note: Information on Turley’s place of birth is not readily accessible)
Joseph Patrick Kennedy
Joseph Stiglitz
Keith Olbermann
Laurence Fishburne
Leonard Peltier
Lewis Black
Lois Gibbs
Matt Taibbi (note: Information on Galbraith’s place of birth is not readily accessible)
Matt Damon
Maurice Hinchey
Michael Moore
Mike Gravel
Nancy Pelosi
Patrick Fitzgerald
Paul Craig Roberts
Paul Krugman
Peter DeFazio
Rachel Maddow
Ralph Nader
Raul Grijalva
Richard Trumka
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Richard Trumka
Robert Reich
Robert Scheer
Ron Paul
Russ Feingold
Sheldon Whitehouse
Sherrod Brown
Shirley Sherrod
Stephen Colbert
Susan Sarandon
Tammy Baldwin
Tim Robbins
Tom Hanks
Tom Udall
Valerie Plame
Van Jones
Warren Beatty
Warren Mosler (no Wikipedia entry)
Whoppie Goldberg
Winona LaDuke
Yves Smith (no Wikipedia entry)