The lounge is open for business, and I am sitting back sipping some rum and juice coffee beer, reading teh interwebs, looking for something other than health care reform (blah blah blah) to entertain me…pull up a chair and kick it old skool with me, moosey peeps.
It’s health care reform 24/7, and what a long, strange trip it is becoming.
The lunatic…
And his fringe…
It all has me wanting to scream…
But I fear that I am being followed by…
She took advice from Katie Couric and has been catching up on her reading…
All I want for Christmas is a chance to tell her…
Cheney and freaks thought mercenaries would be cool, but they failed to control these “Christian” thugs for hire…
Cheney never had to play Army game for real though…
So feel free to…
…about all that ails you…but tell me what else you have been up to… 😉