Are there any words you mispronounced as a child (such as “basketti” instead of spaghetti) that you recall? Are there any that your family still uses now?
How do you feel about the rapidly changing language (especially with the onset of the internet)? Are you happy with changes, or do you wish all those new words and new meanings for old words would just go away?
What day does your trash get picked up? What agency does it, or is it a private business? Do they recycle?
Is there (or has there been) any actor that you like so much you would go see any film he (or she) is in?
The Twitter Emitter
i can't relax unless i'm tense about something.
— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) November 7, 2013
Marco Rubio: "Don't jump to conclusions about Chris Christie's win. I still have a chance –sip– to win the –sip– nomination."
— Top Conservative Cat (@TeaPartyCat) November 7, 2013
What's it called again when you can't remember what things are called?
— Jeff Tiedrich (@jefftiedrich) November 7, 2013
Hey wait a minute, Obamacare, don't take away that thrilling feeling of maybe going bankrupt when I get sick.
— Chris Dashiell (@cdashiell) November 8, 2013
Book of Ayn 2:12 @studio_gal: @ladyblue49 Jesus said, "Suffer the poor to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and let them eat cake."
— techweenie (@techweenie) November 9, 2013
Lindsey Graham is now expanding his threat to hold up all nominations until he gets answers on Benghazi. Now he wants the questions too.
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) November 10, 2013
BREAKING: Hawks who secretly plotted for war in the Middle East accuse President Obama of secretly plotting for peace.
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) November 10, 2013
Sad that if you don't bomb it, shut it down, deny it rights, defund it or discriminate against it you can't feel good about yourself.
— James Morrison (@JamesPMorrison) November 10, 2013
Lindsay Graham and John McCain both hailing France for scuttling Iran deal. French Fries back on Senate cafe menu?
— Greg Mitchell (@GregMitch) November 10, 2013
Lindsey Graham: "So the 60 Minutes witness lied about Benghazi? Does that change anything? No, because I still have two primary opponents."
— Top Conservative Cat (@TeaPartyCat) November 10, 2013