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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Archive for June 2013

Open News Thread — Rights Violations Edition

Since the “Right” wants to revoke most of our personal liberties other than the right to bear arms, there is plenty of material available about invasions into privacy and upending of rights. Sometimes these invasions creep, and sometimes they push forward with full open throttle.

Collection of electronic information has been in the news lately, but there is more, and I want you to join me with this open thread on rights issues or any other news you want to share.

Here’s a full throttle invasion, mentioned the other night on the Rachel Maddow Show. Iowa governor Terry Branstad will now have the option to decide coverage for Medicaid abortions. He. Himself. Will get to decide whether a woman’s abortion is covered. With no medical training and obviously no ethics training, he gets to decide.

U.S. law permits payment for abortions for rape, incest, and if the pregnancy threatens a woman’s life. Iowa law expands that to include terminations of pregnancies if the fetus is severely deformed and unviable.

Historically, the Department of Human Services had been the agency that governed this determination, but in the final negotiations between House Republicans and Senate Democrats, this incredible power over women’s lives was assigned to Governor Branstad.

Also in the news, Wisconsin Republicans’ decision to force medically unnecessary procedures on any woman seeking an abortion. From ThinkProgress:

Wisconsin’s current law already requires women to undergo a counseling session with their doctor 24 hours before having an abortion, under the false pretense that the women who seek to terminate a pregnancy must not be confident about their decision. Doctors already provide those women with information about ultrasound services. But under the new forced ultrasound measure, women would be forced to undergo an ultrasound – and potentially a transvaginal probe, depending on how far along in her pregnancy she is – without her consent.

Lyons is rightfully concerned about women’s health advocates construing the bill as “the equivalent of rape.” At the height of the War on Women last spring, Virginia Republicans incited a firestorm when they pushed a similar transvaginal ultrasound bill, and reproductive rights groups decried the legislation as “state sponsored rape.” But that hasn’t stopped anti-choice lawmakers from continuing to push legislation that would require invasive ultrasound procedures. Just last week, Michigan lawmakers proposed their own version of the legislation, although the state’s top Republicans were forced to clarify that they would “not pass a bill mandating transvaginal ultrasounds” after controversy erupted.

The Daily F Bomb, Friday 6/14/13


Are you a blood donor? Do you know your blood type?

Drinkers – what is your favorite kind of whiskey?

What feeling do you have the most difficulty controlling?

What feeling do you have the most difficulty expressing?

Do you enjoy talking on the phone?

The Twitter Emitter

A Case Study of the Perils Facing Third-Party Candidates: Taiwan

By: inoljt,


In an important world event that far too few Americans knew or probably cared about, Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou was recently re-elected with 51.6% of the vote.

The election itself was quite interesting; there are several fascinating patterns that occur in Taiwanese politics. But this post will focus mainly on the travails of third-party candidate James Soong Chu-yu.

More below.

Friday Coffee Hour: Check In and Hangout for the Herd

Good morning, Moosekind. TGIF! Don’t forget to let your peeps know where to find you.

We are heading home from our road trip. Wednesday I couldn’t post a first comment from my phone, so if there isn’t one today, please assume I had the same problem and post away.

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My personal two cents

This position and diary are completely separate from the PWB Peeps and should not reflect in the least on them, nor does it open up those diaries for attack in any way. I have kept pretty much quiet on the NSA issue and haven’t said much of anything; however I am going to say this(as if my opinion means anything). Quite simply, the deification by some on the left of Ed Snowden is really starting to wear thin. If he were that much of a hero, he would be HERE in the US, not in Hong Kong. He is no hero, he, quite simply, aided and abetted the enemies of the United States for personal gain(whether you consider the GOP to be one of those enemies is up to you) whether that be 15 minutes of fame(infamy) or whatever the reason.

Especially considering that there are larger issues, i.e. the economy, jobs, the war on women, the war on LGBT, the war on immigrants, etc, that need to be addressed. Admittedly, this particular Congress isn’t exactly willing to work on them; however if we continue to allow the hatred of this POTUS take our eyes off the ball and not be willing to work on anything simply because ruining this POTUS is more important than the welfare of this nation, then those people who are trying so desperately to ruin this nation have won. Plain and simple. If you are offended by what I said here, I WILL UNDERSTAND; however I will not allow myself to be treated like a doormat and will not allow myself to be called names. I had enough of that when I was growing up.  

The Daily F Bomb, Thursday 6/13/13


Are you good at making eye contact with strangers (like cashiers, etc.)? (I’m told by these people that it is rare.)

Do you believe in evil? If not, how to explain Hitler? Cheney?

Would you want to read the story of your life?

Do you think that blood ties have anything to do with “family?”

If you could live and be healthy without needing either sleep or food and drink, which of the two would you rather do without?

The Twitter Emitter

Open Thread: I’m Too Tired For Anything Else

Hey gang…sorry for the lazy diary…however…

I was just cleaning up the BlogRoll and came across this:


I’d already finished the top Roll…but, that just got me kinda down and now I’m headed to bed.

I will clean up the ‘Moose With Blogs’ list another day.

For, now, I just wanted to let everyone know that we had lost a Moose.

I hope that the celebration on June 15th is just that…a celebration. A time of joy and of remembrance.

God bless his family and friends.

R.I.P. Bill

This is an Open Thread…have at it.

G’night all.

A Personal Story on Anti-Semitism

I’m carrying petitions for a friend that is running for city council here in New York.  I’ve been going around with someone else and the two of us went into an apartment building tonight.  The building had already been done by another candidate’s petition carriers.  Since someone’s signature is only valid for the first candidate they sign for, we decided to leave the building and move on.  On our way out of the building there was someone standing in the hallway and we decided to approach him.

New York State has party registration and closed primaries.  In order to sign for a candidate to be on the primary ballot you must be a registered member of that party.  So we asked this guy if he was a registered Democrat.  He asked who the candidate we were carrying for was and we supplied the candidate’s name.  This guy then asked if our candidate was the “Cuban guy.”  We replied that no, he was not Cuban, but that he’s Jewish.  That’s when things took a turn for the worse.

This guy replied that “They [Jews] only take care of their own,” and that’s why he wouldn’t sign the petition to get him on the ballot.  Even after we explained to him that it was only to get him on the ballot, and there was no obligation to support him, he reiterated this position.  My fellow petitioner carrier answered back a bit and explained to this guy that he was dead wrong and that we care about everybody.  Before things could further escalate we left.  I admit that I just wanted to get the hell out of there.  We said our piece and it wasn’t worth getting hurt over in case this guy turned out to be particularly crazy.

Unfortunately, this guy’s thinking is reflective of the thinking of many.  There’s plenty of anti-Semitism out there, both here and abroad.  And if people want to know why we have so many community institutions and why there are stereotypes about us in certain jobs, then one only needs to look to history.  In the past, we weren’t considered citizens, but foreigners residing in the land.  Beyond that, there were restrictions on what type of professions Jews were allowed to work in, the most infamous of these being as moneylenders and bankers.  Even though those days are long past, the stereotypes remain.

And remember, this occurred in New York, the city with the country’s largest Jewish population and one of the largest, if not the largest, Jewish population of any city in the world.  This did not occur in some place where the government fans the flames of anti-Semitism or where there are few or no Jews.  This was in a city where we can feel relatively safe to be Jews.  It’s a stark reminder that there are plenty of anti-Semitic assholes out there (to say nothing of the many other assorted bigots).

Obama Administration Files Brief AGAINST New York City Stop and Frisk

To the tune of Glory Hallelujah let’s take a moment to thank and revel in the idea that we now have a President that cares about the 4th amendment.…

In a stunning move, the Obama Administration has thrust itself into the middle of the explosive federal stop-and-frisk trial and is taking sides against the NYPD, raising the odds of a outside monitor being appointed to oversee the controversial crime-fighting program.

“This is very bad news,” said one City Hall source.

The source said that Attorney General Eric Holder’s office notified the city that it intends to file briefs in support of claims by the Center for Constitutional Rights that cops are stopping suspects on the basis of race.

Ten weeks of testimony in the case concluded last month.

It’s very good news for the equal application of the United States Constitution regardless of race creed or ethnicity though.  

Sorry for the short diary MOOOOOSE feel free to dance around in the freedom grass below.