(Cross posted from Street Prophets.)
Welcome to Sunday All Day Brunch. This is an open topic thread so help yourself to the goodies and sit a spell and let us know what is new with you. I have been doing an enormous amount of work lately on updating old art. I started graphic art in 1998 when it started getting too hard to hold a pen or brush. The state of art back then was not the highest. My ability to use the new medium was also a beginner’s ability. In the 15 years both of us have matured. I have learned to do all sorts of manipulation to get the pictures I want and the industry has grown to give me the tools to make my art more realistic. Follow me below the orange squiggle de doodle and I’ll show you what the industry and I have learned over the past 15 years.
A Sense of Wonder illustrated the child learning to find the magic inside of herself. Of course I had to put a cat in there. The original models were really crude but it got the point across. A couple days ago I finished the final version. As you can see the girl, cat, tree, planet, and sky are a vast improvement over the originals. I have also learned how to manipulate various elements to make the perspective much better and more realistic. The picture went through 4 different generations.
Castles Made of Sand was done for a poem I had written. In the original picture I had to actually take crude blocks and make a sand castle. In the later version I found a model that I could use. The ability to do better water has been a real boon to making pictures more realistic. It is probably the element that my computer hates the most because it takes forever to render.
Eagle Days illustrates how much better the new models are from the originals.
Gathering Moonlight was the last picture my Dad saw before he died and he loved it. For years I hesitated to redo it but eventually I realized that if Dad were still here I would have changed it and shown it to him.
One of the most dramatic changes in models has to be the dragons. The Dragon and the Lake is the cover picture for a short story of mine.
For an artist who does a lot of space pictures I was thrilled when I could get decent spaceships as Going Home illustrates.
So that is some of the changes in my artwork. I decided that at age 65 I am not going to slow down and will continue to learn. I hope I never lose the excitement that changes can make in my life.
You can find merchandise with my artwork on my Zazzle account: http://www.zazzle.com/artbymic…
You can find prints of my artwork on my Fine Arts America account: http://fineartamerica.com/prof…