Ok so I’m becoming addicted to Twitter. The thing that so fascinated me about the internet when I first achieved high speed access was the ability to almost instantly talk to mega watt smart people. I chat with people from Astrophysicists to The Rev. Al Sharpton who read my tweet on the air Friday regarding Black conservatives.
@TheRevAl a Black man voting conservative in this day and age is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders #southernstrategy
Heh, Anyhow as I jumped into the Twitterpool I pretty much rushed to follow opinion makers etc. from my side of the political spectrum I could think of but there were a few people who were pretty much always on my follow list and one was The Angry Black Lady. A person I’ve pretty much always read from that magical high speed days, but more than that despite her name and reputation a truly sweet person who provided support for me when I got the ban hammer from the DK.
So anyway I’m following Nicole Sandler for the above reason and she’s going all in on the recent Defense Authorization. Now I will admit and would have that I replied initially to the wrong tweet. The tweet I meant to respond to actually asked the question am I wrong. Anyhow it appears the ole Moose don’t want to embed the chirp story so here’s a link
You know what’s funny? Had she not feigned ignorance of the English language at the start and merely stated the analogy hurt her feelings I would have apologized immediately. I would have tripped on how a public figure gets so angry at being called colorfully wrong, but they don’t call them the “professional left” for no reason do they?
Look what I can do
Lets have some music
Oh and if you need to know exactly how I feel about the NDAA… found this dude on the twitters too!!