Motley Moose – Archive

Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

The Good Stick…

I know, it’s been awhile, but I wanted to return with something maybe a bit of a personal nature.

I just got back from the doctor’s office. Nothing major, just a routine sort of blood test. Routine enough that I tend to not think about them too much. I mention it, because something not terrible happened. The phlebotomist stuck me, got my blood drawn in record time, and without much in the way of pain. For those of us who get stuck on a regular basis, that is an appreciable thing. (Diabetics, you know what I’m talking about)

I thanked the gal, on a good stick, and she was kind of surprised. Which got me to thinking.

Crossposted to The Suicidal Cactus Hour

For those who don’t know, I had an aortic dissection some years back. My aorta blew like a bad seal, and that damn near killed me. Technically, it did, four times, but the Cardiac team at Bay State Medical is absolutely one of the best on the East Coast, and after 26 and a half hours of surgery, they got me sealed back up and on the road to recovery. Took a few months of healing, and I was back to work, and got on with my life.

When I was ambulatory, my girl and I went back to the ICU ward, and sent flowers to the cardiac team. Which, we discovered, was a surprise for them, which at the time, I thought was odd. These folks saved my life. For four hours, while the surgeon got a small break after doing 16 hours of surgery on me, they literally poured blood into me, which promptly leaked out, and they set themselves back up, and went back and did it again. For four hours. And for another 6 and half after that, they got me patched up some more.  The pair who poured blood into me, the nurses in the ICU, and the surgeon and his team all got thank you cards, because, they saved my life. And my Grandma raised me to say “thank you” to folks when they deserve it.

To be fair, that near death experience has shaped me. I try not to take things too much for granted. It’s way too easy to lose everything, and at random. The Universe is a fickle Mistress, and she WILL excise us from her at the blink of eye, and while there might be some regret at the loss, she’s not going to look back if a gamma wash tears through our neck of the woods and scrubs life from this spiral arm.  Nor will she be particularly perturbed if a rock falls from a ledge, a dam bursts, or a tiny clot forms in a blood vessel and bursts your aorta and tears away half the valve attached. Things will end, and whether or not you believe in an afterlife, there are things that I prefer not to face that question without having said. Thanks yous are at the top of that list.

It is sad that it often takes us something so severe to learn that particular lesson. To say the little things that matter. To appreciate when folks are doing well. We are all too inclined to grouse and complain, but noticing when folks do well, that is something that we often mean to do, but it is easy to pass off for later.

So, I say thank you. To waitresses who do a good job. To bartenders who treat me right. I’ve written notes to managers to tell them when their staff has done a bang up job, because noting the positive is something we tend to forget. Not noting excellence in a field. Not when folks go above and beyond, but when they do their job, and do it well enough, that we are made at ease, with a quiet competence.  When it goes smooth enough, that we tend to not even notice the job was done, because it was that smooth.

There has been a lot said about when folks fail to do their jobs. We have a lot of folks decrying the state of education in this country. We have folks up in arms about failed regulation. We have folks who are fired up when unions fail their rank and file. When civil servants fail at their duties. When the media doesn’t do their jobs, and lets questions go asked, let alone unanswered. And that is important. It is necessary even.  While we have a duty to illuminate when things go wrong, it’s important to note, when things go right. Not spectacularly well. Not when things are done that are mind blowing, but when folks extend us their excellence and courtesy as commonplace. Be they a teacher. Be they a nurse. Be they a phlebotomist. Be they a waitress. Be they a bartender. Be they a clerk. Be they a cop.

We exist in a culture that tends to bustle, and we weep and wail at the lack of civility and the breakdown of values and courtesy. This is a natural grouse. It is how we socialize and operate as a society. We identify examples of deviance, and we point them out. The problem is, we seem to be grousing a lot, as opposed to  pointing out the deviance in the other direction. Society has carrots and sticks built in, and “please” and “thank you” are two of the most common of the former. And they need to be used more often. We want a more civil society, we need to use them more often. To reinforce those behaviors. Not just with our own children, not just with our friends, but with strangers and those who we may only see once in a lifetime. We need to illustrate that quiet excellence, that doesn’t ask for recognition even. That’s a step we need to take ourselves. Be that thanking that teacher who takes the time and effort with our kids. The bagger who packs our groceries with care and competence. To say thank you when it’s deserved.

Maybe if we did that more often, we’d have less of the folks who we likewise need to scream at. Reward those who do well, and those around them are affected. Call it karma, call it paying it forward, call it loving kindness, call it good manners.  

I’m ripping off the bandage from my stick, and it was a good one. It was good enough that it reminded me to be better to folks who do hard work, without expectation of thanks. We do this more often, all of us, to be mindful of that, we might not need to scream at the bad ones quite as often. Least that’s how I’m going to interpret it tonight.

I know that I’ve been gone for a bit, but I hope that you’ve all been well, and I trust that you’ve been excellent to one another.  


  1. Good to see you, so to speak. Nice return diary.

    You probably noticed that things are pretty quiet around here. There are times when I think the Moose has just about died, but then I think about the coming election year and realize it will probably pick up quite a bit once the GOP primaries begin. That’s my hope, anyway.

    This diary is thought-provoking.

    There are millions and millions of people competently going about their business every day. Health care professionals save lives. So do first-responders, like firemen and police officers. Despite the complaints about the state of education in this country, teachers provide a good education to the vast majority of students. Scientists advance our knowledge, engineers advance our technology based on those scientific advances, and businesses bring us that technology. Put simply, it all works.

    Even though modern society in developed countries brings unimagined largess to the majority of the population, there are those, on both sides, that point to flaws in the system to support their claims that the system is broken.

    Those on the right point to dropout rates in poorly performing schools to prove the education field is failing, but that is only true if you ignore all of the schools with 95%+ graduation rates. Those on the left point to the uninsured to prove our health care system is failing, but that ignores the greater number of people who do get adequate care. This constant focus on the flaws in the system leads people to believe the whole system is failing when all it really proves is that we do not live in a perfect world.

    As a progressive (liberal), I believe there is always room for improvement. Flaws in the system are not cause to throw our hands in the air and cry that everything is falling apart. They are simply opportunities to improve the system.

    If we shut out the constant cries about the system failing and really take an honest look at the world around us, we have to admit that things are better than they have ever been. Conservatives lament the loss of some mythical golden age while liberals bemoan the failure of society to reach some never-to-be utopia. No wonder the average person ignores both groups.

    We just celebrated a day of thanks giving. We need to do that more than once a year. We need to acknowledge the fact that we have it better today than our ancestors did 100 years ago and that they had it better than their ancestors. When we do recognize the flaws in the system we need to come together to fix those flaws instead of throwing our hands in the air and crying that the world is going to hell.

  2. Rashaverak

    Courtesy and good manners seem so rare these days.

    Thanking the troops for their service has become de rigeur, but our lives also depend upon so many other people doing their jobs.  Most of them will never receive an accolade, sorry to say.

    On more than one occasion when I have gotten good service, I’ve written an note to the supervisor or proprietor and have asked in the letter that it be associated with the person’s employment-history file.  

  3. Strummerson

    and glad you’ve been doing ok.  

    I’m hoping things pick up a bit around here.  I’m on a GreTscH guitar blog that often slips into the angriest of angry white men venting (today one railed against the “Muslim Commie living at 1600”).  Lots of good folks over there as well.  But bullies and trolls seize every thread with any political content.  

    I’ve actually been putting out the word with select folks in different places whom I think would contribute nicely around here.  I know the holidays are coming.  But with all the Newt coverage, I’d really like to start growing the Moose again.

    And Hubie, I preemptively forgive you for showing up 2 weeks after Thanksgiving, when I could have used your advice.  Everything came out great again, but I was hoping for some special twists from a pro!

    Welcome back indeed.

  4. spacemanspiff

    For those who don’t know, I had an aortic dissection some years back. My aorta blew like a bad seal, and that damn near killed me. Technically, it did, four times, but the Cardiac team at Bay State Medical is absolutely one of the best on the East Coast, and after 26 and a half hours of surgery, they got me sealed back up and on the road to recovery. Took a few months of healing, and I was back to work, and got on with my life.

    Sorry if I just concentrated on this part (heh) but you sir are one badass mofo and I want a Suicidal Cactus Hour shirt and mug… yesterday.

    Wow. Just fucking WOW.  

  5. Such fantastic advice as well.  A pleasure to meet you Hubie and coming off my week with my town Pasadena almost getting blown off the map much of what you’ve just said I’ve seen in practice.

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