The dynamics of landslides have been intriguing researchers for decades. What looks like a stable edifice slowly accumulates structural weaknesses below the surface. Day by day for weeks, years or even centuries these flaws deepen and widen and spread throughout the underlying stratum. One day some straw will break the camel’s back, the outer facade of strength and stability begins to crumble and the whole thing comes tumbling down.
A variety of feedback loops begin to accelerate the activity once things start to fall. Landslides that logic would dictate should do no more than create a pile of rubble at the bottom of the slope have been recorded running for miles over flat ground and flattening everything in their paths.
All of this should be not the least reassuring to those on the US political Right who have been hoping for a New Ultra Conservative Nation founded on the ideologies of Glenn Beck and others of the species Conservatus Preposterous. The cracks have been there all along, the slip has already begun and the destructive momentum is building with every passing moment.
When a landslide begins there is usually a single visual sign, a rock rolls or a tree falls. Then everything starts to move.
Glenn Beck Exposes Bruce Springsteen’s Born in the USA as Commie Propaganda
As momentum builds all sense of sanity and order breaks down.
Glenn Beck exposes “This Land is Your Land” as Commie Propaganda
Far-right members of Texas School Board removed Thomas Jefferson from the Texas curriculum,, “replacing him with religious right icon John Calvin.”.
Things that seemed impossible become reality, up becomes down, and fiction becomes truth (Focus on the Family Moves towards the Center, ditches founder Dobson).
When the mountainside begins to move, those who had built their homes in it’s shadow may quickly find out that they cannot outrun the boulders. Sane people flee early and often, and only the True Believers stand at the bottom confident that somehow it will all work out for the best.
Good luck with that, Tea Partiers. We’ll send our condolences to your next of kin.