Have I gone crazy, or is it everyone else?
Overnight there is news that the Obama administration is considering cutting around 2% of the budget in 2011 – this after a large stimulus package. But to go from the blogs I swing by, you’d think that the President had just invaded a small country, and started torturing the inhabitants.
The Great Blogfather on MYDD posts up these two images (the second stolen from FDL apparently.)
Just to get this conversation going, and to carry it over to this thread, my comment to Jerome and other hair burning liberals is this:
Am I missing something beyond a premature sense of retribution?
Obama is proposing a 2 per cent cut in spending for next year – 2011.. Gordon Brown is proposing the same here in the UK. Yet, though the Labour Party is significantly to the left of the Democratic Party, he is not being met by howls of traitor because of it.
Bizarre. On this level, I really don’t get US democratic politics: practically centrist, theoretically leftist, emotionally dysfunctional
Meanwhile HappyinVT fills in more policy detail:
Apparently, everyone is freaking out over something that:
1) we don’t know the full details of yet;
2) sounds like it’s probably part of the fulfillment of the “spending money wisely” campaign promise;
3) has been in the works for months and not a part of the freak-out from Brown’s election;
4) apparently it’s $250b over ten years; that’s a pittance (despite TPM calling it a “major” spending freeze);
5) it’s not a “freeze” in the normal sense; it is a shift of money around to where they think it is more needed.
Some say it’s about ‘messaging’ but Creamer makes a point about this obsession with blogospheric messaging:
The White House has leaked/announced a plan to freeze discresionary spending for three years begining in 2011…. Some who critizied for not attacking special interests are now complaining about a bill designed in part to fight special interest and the pork they represent…
In its attempts to govern the liberal media might be losing its relevance.
What does the Moose think of the latest news. A storm in a teacup? Another sign Obama is being pushed to the right? Is the current furore helping him shift away from the right?