One wonders why liberals have hard times winning arguments…for me, it can be explained with an exchange I had with someone on OpenLeft today.
In my defense, I was there because I actually was having a good conversation with people on why the House appears to be giving up on a Medicare +5 option
Obama could and should have… (4.00 / 3)
appealed to those millions of small donors and voters who supported his mantra of hope and change to march on Washington in support of the version of reform he was willing to fight for.
It’s not like a minority of the public wants this.Imagine what that may have done to influence those in Congress.
Instead, he did a few town hall meetings and acted behind the scenes, barely giving the signal or creating the momentum necessary to offset the opposition, some of which he actually partnered with. I’m sure that send a clear message about his true intentions.
I kindly pointed out that OFA, Obama’s organizational arm, send me, and everyone on their lists, information about a protest being held on September 13th in Washington D.C, five days after the President’s speech to Congress. I decided, seeing as it was a Sunday and I’m unemployed, I’d hop a Greyhound bus at Port Authority and head to DC for the weekend and join in. I tried to get friends to come with me, but as it turns out, September 13th was the first New York Giants game of the season, against the Washington Redskins…priorities you see…and I went alone.
Turnout was pathetic, only a few hundred people…so I asked said commenter why he was not there.
You are right. I was not there. (0.00 / 0)
but a few thousand miles away.
But the March on Washington in 1963 drew 250,000. Why was it successful? Where is the community organizing prowess? Perhaps it was mainly an ability to mobilize the committed in some caucus states in processes where a democratic deficit existed.When, exactly, has President Obama framed the issue as a human right, one that people from red states, blue states, purple states, etc. should stand up for similar to what they did with civil rights? Have not heard much of that.
Back as a candidate in October, 2008, according to Forbes:
The way the candidates responded to Tom Brokaw’s question on health care during this evening’s debate says a great deal about their philosophy on government.
Obama says health care should be considered a right, echoing the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.…
Again, have not heard much of that election claim once he was in office. You fight for human rights if you really believe in them.
Sorry, I see this whole thing as a charade, where Obama just does not want to be seen losing. Bad for the image. Bad for his re-election if he cannot claim he got it done, irrespetive of the contents and who actually gets the most benefit. So he will just go along. He has not led a fight, in my opinion, to achieve this human right.
Shorter: “Oh, I was too far away to bother heading to Washington, but it’s Obama fault because he didn’t inspire me to trek to Washington since he didn’t say x and y, and he could’ve done that and it would’ve been like 1963.”
Ok, but JFK didn’t call for the march on Washington in 1963, in fact, it happened because JFK wasn’t doing enough to GET Civil Rights through Congress. So why do we need a President to order us to march and they didn’t?
More excuses.
I don’t get your point (0.00 / 0)
You asked what Obama could have done and I answered.
Maybe JFK was ignoring them back then. It was a different time. He was not going around the country holding town hall meetings, was he? However, Obama professes he wants this, does he not? Yet it seems he will take what he can get. If you think Obama has done everything he can, fine. I don’t think he has. I think he knows he will get something to sign and then say he passed “reform.”
“It’s a different time” is the new easy way out of a losing argument on political history apparently.
So here was my, as of right now, final response;
A cop out (0.00 / 0)
“I wasn’t close enough to Washington to get there”
Find a way or shutup, 300,000 people got to Washington in 1963 when there wasn’t the transporation system we have today…but they got there…there was buses, I was on one, and I met people who came from fucking Oregon. All I hear from you is excuses “Obama didn’t call people to action” Well he did, “Oh, wah, Obama didn’t make a hard enough argument for me to be satisifed enough to get up and do something about fighting for healthcare. He didn’t say these words exactly. I’m just going to sulk” JFK was letting the Civil Rights Act DIE in Congress in 1963, it wasn’t even on his fucking radar and STILL 300,000 people showed up. No one said “oh, wah, I’m not wasting my time going to Washington when President Kennedy isn’t pushing legislation through Congress”THEY SHOWED UP ANYWAY.
I’m tired of hearing liberal cop outs and excuses. It’s clear to me all you want to do is make excuses and place blame on people. Stop whining, it’s pathetic.
Maybe the reason why Civil Rights groups were more successfull in organizing is that they spent their time fighting and not whining and blaming. What would’ve happened if the likes of Dr. King and John Lewis decided “President Kennedy is not doing enough in my book to get civil rights passes so I’m not even gonna bother going to Washington to pressure our government to do something”
These people are not looking to pass healthcare, they’re just looking for excuses. Pathetic just about sums it up.