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Archive for April 2009

Important Mortgage Foreclosure Assistance Available From Department of Veteran Affairs

The Department of Veteran’s Affairs has special assistance for veterans who are in trouble with their mortgage that has gotten little coverage. If you are a veteran who needs assistance it is important that you contact your lender with knowledge that the Department of Veteran’s affairs may have the best deal available to you from the options you may be given.  

For a veteran or service member who may have obtained a conventional or sub-prime loan, VA has a network of eight Regional Loan Centers and two special servicing centers that can offer advice and guidance. Borrowers may visit VA’s Loan Guaranty website at or call toll free (877) 827-3702 to speak with a VA Loan Technician.    

Congress Passed Special Foreclosure Prevention Provisions for

Veterans who need to reduce their mortgage payments

Crossposted from Free Flight New Media    

Marriage Equality in Iowa


From MSNBC, short and sweet:

The Iowa Supreme Court says the state’s same-sex marriage ban violates the constitutional rights of gay and lesbian couples, making it the third state where gay marriage is legal.

In a unanimous ruling issued Friday, the court upheld a 2007 Polk County District Court judge’s ruling that the law was unconstitutional.

Politico has a copy of the ruling.

Good News from Rekyavik On Thames? UPDATED

It’s no secret that the financial meltdown has hurt London and the UK economy more than most. Our banks have shrunk in value by more than 50 per cent. The City, once rivalling Wall Street, is haemorrhaging jobs and revenue. Our financial sector comprises a much larger part of economy, and as a result, the UK’s recession and indebtedness looks set to continue for longer than the US, and our prospects for recovery seem more remote.

But in the last few days, there does seem to be a genuine scent of warmier sunnier times – and that’s not just this spell of lovely spring weather. It also came from the vast conference centre in London’s docklands which was the base for the G20 summit of developed and emerging economies.

Forget the images of  vandalism from the demonstrations yesterday. I was in the West End last night, and the crowds coming back from the City were peaceful, young, good humoured, singing and laughing, as if they’d just returned from a pop festival. And that’s what most of yesterday was, a political carnival of popular discontent. They begged a question, and begged it loudly, but you’d have to look hard to find a practical answer to the problem.

The solutions were likely to come from further afield….

Even as I write, I can hear the deep throb of more navy helicopters overhead as Obama returns to the American Embassy residence on the edge of Regents Park a couple of miles away.  It’s far too early to get euphoric about the summit, or conclude that the plans will be enough, but listening to the mood music coming from the G20 summit there’s no doubt that the international outlook of President Obama and his new team brought positivity and freshened pace.  

Obama's Drug Czar is screwed

As I was perusing the news this morning, I noticed an article from the AP on the confirmation hearings for former Seattle Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske, Obama’s presumptive Drug Czar- and something he said chilled my blood to the bone.

(Kerlikowske) said that as national drug czar, he would take a balanced, science-based approach to the job.

A thoughtful, balanced approach to drug policy with an emphasis on treatment over incarceration?

Dear God… this man is screwed.

The National Gadfly Indicted, Arrested, Free On Bail.

POMPANO BEACH: Progressive blogger, The National Gadfly was arrested today outside the West Side Tattoo parlor by Broward County Sheriff’s deputies.  Only 30 minutes after a hastily convened grand jury issued an indictment and arrest warrant for The Gadfly, authorities were able to locate the known troublemaker and malcontent via a tip from an estranged lover.  Broward County District Attorney Gloria Stevens acted quickly to convene the grand jury after her office was informed of The National Gadfly’s presence in Florida was confirmed.

(Cross-posted at The National Gadfly)

CEOfail: Frank Stronach.

“This is a corporation that finds itself in financial distress due to recklessness and greed, a lot of these people should be fired, not awarded a bonus. This is horrible. It’s outrageous.” President Obama

Amidst a global economic meltdown in which millions have lost their, homes and hope – corporate greed continues.

Even though I believe in capitalism its crystal clear that the guys and gals that got us into this mess still don’t have a clue.  That’s right – I’m talking about executives who do not care/understand the implications of taking large bonuses without regard to what it will do to the economy as a whole and are certainly a major factor in getting the world into this mess.

Daily Tubes March 30 and 31, 2009

It has been a very rough month for me. I think I keep saying that, but it has been very, very bad for me. I have pretty much lost my sense of humor and that is my best indication that I am not doing well. I imagine that I am not alone. I do hope that April is better…

Tuesday March 30, 2009, in 100 seconds.

Uh…I got nothing.

Monday March 30, 2009 in 100 seconds.

I am feeling groovy?

World's Banks Close in Response to London Protesters.

All of the world’s banks have agreed to close their doors forever in response to the relentless logic of arguments put forth by peaceful mobs protesting the G-20 meetings in London, England today.

“It had never occurred to me that banks were evil until I saw a sign that read ‘Banks Are EVIL!!!!!!’ today.” said Nigel Olson, CEO of The Royal Bank of England.  “It was being carried by a nice young gentleman with a stylish goatee and Birkenstocks who was waving it through one of our broken windows and shrieking something along the lines, I believe, of how he was being oppressed.  I had been busy working on a plan to rob quadraplegic old ladies of their pension funds and I just stopped and thought; ‘Nigel, old man, this young lad may have a point.”

Mr. Olson stated that he would be happy to answer further questions but had decided to nip off and commit suicide for his sins.