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Since 2008 – Progress Through Politics

Tea Bag Pea Brains: Photos of Teh Stoopid

The 2010 census will tell us a lot about the population, economic status, industry, and geography of America, but it will not measure the sheer number of meatheads that live among us. Fortunately (or unfortunately), Nate Silver over at 538 took a look at the reported “numbers” from yesterday’s National Scrotum Dipping Festival Tea Bagging groundswell to give us a pretty good estimate.


…based on news accounts of 306 “Tea Party” protests in different cities across the country yesterday, I get a cumulative attendance of 262,025, with a fair number of (probably mostly smaller) events still unaccounted for.

If we account for children and pets (who know not what they do), we can safely assume there were around a quarter of a million idiots protesting something on April 15th, 2009.

These “grassroots” events were purportedly about protesting tax increases and federal deficit spending. Here’s the thing: if the composition of these protesters even remotely mimic average Americans, greater than 90% of them have already begun to see a significant tax cut in their paychecks, and those that didn’t (i.e. earn over $250k per annum) are paying roughly 10% less in taxes than they did under GOP Saint Ronald Reagan.

Here’s the kind of Tea Sludge that boils over when you brew faulty message discipline with generalized grey matter deficiency syndrome, and swirl in some blind hatred for flavor:

Shit, we lost another “Democrate”.


Shoot first, think later.


Bush spent the better part of a decade wiping his ass with the Constitution, and now they’re bent?


Taxes!  Wait…Guns.  Yeah, don’t take my guns!


Uhh, what part of middle class tax cuts doesn’t she understand?


Naturally, ACORN is behind the tyranny.


Far as I know, nobody has lived in the U.S.S.R for about a decade.  Idiot.


Teaching kids about sodomy?  Classy!


Oh, for Christ’s sake.


These kids have it pretty rough, no?


Murder taxes, not babies…or something.


Immigrants come here to live out the American Rape Dream, don’t you know?


Hey Pancho, racist much?


I love me some good baby killing.


Wait, I thought racists liked Hitler?  Shouldn’t they love Obama?


Math FAIL.


New world order?  Uh-huh.


Maybee he cood cell sum dickshunarys to healp pay da morgage?


We bailed out Hamas?  Who knew?


As tasteless and stupid as this is, at least someone knows what teabagging really is.


Careful, Gary Coleman is known to carry a gun.


…or to the altar of Stoopid.


O.M.F.G.  Punch-worthy, to be sure.


Yet another spelling bee winner.


WernotgoanlistentomoranslikeU.  Disqualified on account of the dumb.


Terrorists love taxes.


FOX FAIL:  Does the sign behind Cavuto’s left shoulder make any sense?



  1. Jjc2008

    in my city about 1500 showed up.  I was going to go down just to say “I see stupid people” but then I remember that our city allows concealed weapons and I am guessing many there had them.  It’s terrible to feel afraid but I do when I am around certain kinds of crowds.

    Plus our own version of Grover Nordquist was a speaker.  His name is Doug Bruce and he got the TABOR act passed and really hurt things like schools, police, education…in our state.  His standard view is that teachers make too much money and elementary teachers shouldn’t need a college degree.  He was also a slum landlord who resented having to keep his apartments free of filth.

    And yet these people love him.

    Scary and sad.

  2. i was laughing at the pictures, but as they went on it started to get less and less funny.

    this kinda reminds me of when i lived in korea and protesting, sometimes violently whilst in university is a rite of passage for most korean university students.  but on countless occasions when i asked people what issues they protested about, most could not recall.  

    this issue is not that big of a story here, but from what i have heard and seen – these protestors and there inane signs are simply ridiculous.

  3. but they make these folks look like total pikers.  For many of both groups I think there is a lot of protesting ‘Don’t Understand Things, and Not Happy About It!!’, but while a lot of the G20 crowd are little more than professional protesters these folks don’t even know how to shout at a fire hydrant properly.

    Some of the commentators from the right have noted the overall amateurishness of rightwing protesters.  Rush excuses it as being that “unlike the left, we have jobs” (they certainly are at least missing the college-campus crowd that often energizes leftward demonstrations).  Whatever it is, they have a lot of it.

    Not sure which is more annoying – a lefty rabble who just finished Sociology 101 or a righty rabble who can’t spell “mortgage” – but the latter certainly is funnier.

  4. Kysen

    Teh stupid….it burns!

    Truly was a gathering of our best worst and brightest dimmest.

    Heh…now here is a sign I would have carried:



  5. creamer

    The invasion of the redneck body snatchers.

    I fear that a lot of theese fools are driven by racism. This mentality seems so cartoonish its hard to believe.

    I’m also feeling a little ahamed and embarrassed.

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