I am still trying to keep up with the tubes, but will be going off line for the most part after next week, and am not sure when I will be back on at full capacity. I apparently can surf the net on my phone and hope to keep in touch that way, but the Daily Tubes may have to take a hiatus after this next week.
We are moving, and I expect that activity to consume all of my time for the immediate future. On the bright side, the move will be good once it is over. I realized that I have moved more times than I care to count. My family and I moved at least 10 times by my 18th birthday. Suffice it to say I am tired of relocating and hope to stay in our new home for a very long time.
Friday April 10, 2009 in 100 seconds.
Shaft! You’re damn right.
Thursday April 9, 2009 in 100 seconds.
Ahoy matey, please don’t give Pat and that other guy guns. Gotta love the armchair analysis. Do they ever get ashamed of being wrong so much?
Wednesday April 8, 2009 in 100 seconds.
So very true. Join my cult and we can all rule the world together.
Lil’ shrub has been busy.
Friieeends, Rush Lumpybag is not a Nazi!
I wonder if he eats his own poo?
We need more honest porn!!! The Onion explains.