I vote. I take my kids to vote.
Voting is the currency of our democracy. It’s how we choose our political leaders who represent us. Voting is what we have.
We have midterm elections for 435 House seats. 33 Senate seats. Almost every state house, some of the state senates, some statewide offices, county offices, and many schoolboard offices. Perhaps some municipal offices too. In other words, maybe there’s not a president at the top of the ticket, but there is plenty to vote for.
I believe every vote counts. I live in Utah, I don’t have the luxury of not voting. I have voted in elections decided by fewer than 200 votes. I have watched elections be decided by single digits.
Salt Lake County had a primary this June, for Auditor on the Democratic side, Assessor on the Republican side, and many school board positions. Turnout was 9%.
We have pilot programs for same-day registration in Salt Lake County, and All Vote by Mail in the county to the north, Davis.
Everything depends on turnout. Even in Utah. To hold our State house seats, keep our senate seats, pick up a few more seats, and help the county elections.
From Maine to Hawaii, and Alaska to Florida, every vote counts.
The highest duties we can do as citizens include helping other people vote.
We have a couple weeks left for voter registration in most places. Some places seem to have complicated requirements.
Then we GOTV and persuade the middles until Nov 4.
We sleep on Nov 5.
Today was the National Voter Registration Day.
We can keep going on this registration through the deadlines, which is Oct 6 here in Salt Lake County.
Every vote counts.