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Saturday Morning Moose Check In – Moosical Moose Musings

Make sure your peeps know where to find you.

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For those that are new to the Purple, I would like to welcome you. You have reached the end of the yellow brick road. Have fun taking a look around and checking out over the rainbow. If you are an established Moose, pull up a chair and grab a cuppa.

Mornings Check In’s are for hanging out and visiting, setting appointments with the Wizard, asking questions, and getting directions. Please keep in mind that comments do not auto refresh. You have to click the refresh/reload on your tab to see new ones.  

Also keep in mind that fierces don’t get you mojo. Being well behaved and following the golden rule does. The golden rule is very simple. “Be excellent to each other… or else”.

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While roaming around the edges of the purple, beware of talking trees, street gangs offering lollypops to little boys and girls, fragrant wildflowers that are being snowed on, and large floating bubbles.

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Feel free to introduce yourself or ask any questions you have in the comments. No reason to be shy.

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Don’t forget the time change is tonight at 2AM. Spring forward.



  1. Khloe

    23 degrees with an expected high of 42. I’m hoping to actually see some sun today.

    A Saturday morning earworm.

     photo dogsomewhereovertherainbow.jpg

  2. iriti

    Laying in bed pecking this out with a single digit on my phone because I’m a slug.

    32 now headed for a high of 54 and the first hike of the season. trs and I are still debating where to head today, but we want somewhere with a waterfall, as creeks and falls should be pretty full due to snow melt. M

    Got my very first ever pair of dance shoes at the age of 51. I’m taking belly dance class, which is traditionally done barefoot but on the floor we’re on the teacher recommends light dance shoes.  

  3. nannyboz

    week.  Hooray!  Almost finished with spring house cleaning, it’s only taken me two weeks :). Have a great day!

  4. ILS 27L

    It’s 61 with a forecast for rain here in the DFW metroplex but the weather guys have been saying rain for weeks to virtually no avail…we’ll see…we sure need it.

    This past week was one of those weeks that really make you appreciate the good ones. I’ve got a new boss in a new department and its like jr. high all over again.

    This too shall pass.

    Be excellent


  5. mapamp

    It’s a very chilly 22 degrees, but will get up to 50 (!) today! There will be teens everywhere in Pittsburgh in their shorts–including mine.

    The plumber is due to arrive at 8:30. We have a leaky toilet-ugh.

    Meanwhile, I am going to enjoy a few more minutes in my jammies hanging with the cats.

    As for Somewhere Over the Rainbow? I read Dr. Seuss’ most excellent The Foot Book to my Mon/Wed/Thurs class of children. As a Speech Therapist responsible for working this preschool Special Education classroom, I work with the Special Education Teacher as a team. After having read the story, the children (with much assistance) painted their feet and walked on a prepared rainbow to make a foot rainbow.

    We were worried about one wee girl with autism, as she does not like to do new things; but much to our surprise she not only loved the paint on her feet, but she laughed! This little one rarely laughs. She smiles, but laughter? Not a lot. She wanted to paint her feet some more!

    I keep hearing her laughter and seeing her happy face close to my heart. 🙂

  6. blue jersey mom

    Burned out my clutch on the way home last night. Basely made it home. Dad and Rob had to push me to get the car going on Rte 31. I am going to have to have the car towed to the repair shop. This will not be cheap. UGH.

  7. I woke up well, next to the one I love. But it was much too early. And last night I went to bed a little mad (not at Jim) and got up with a big mad (not at Jim.)

    So I went downstairs and sewed for an hour before coming back up for coffee and cereal.

    Still mad, but calmer than I was. Today I’ll have to work on remembering to breathe.

    Son and FFDIL got back into town late last night. We’ll see them today for a bit. (Yesterday he asked me how much of a “pain it would be to get some of that hot sausage/potato soup” I make. I told him he could “get” some at Olive Garden, but I am not making any today!)

    And this evening we have neighbors coming over for eats and wine and laughs.  

  8. Diana in NoVa

    Thirty-six degrees and sunny this morning.  I must, MUST get to the gym today.  What with preparing for Snowquester, and then Snowquester itself, and spending the next day laughing my head off because Snowquester amounted to exactly three and half fast-melting inches, I simply haven’t had time for any exercise.

    Just read something fascinating in a magazine: “There are studies out there that suggest we’re all born with genetic memories–that we move through time carrying the experiences and cultures of our ancestors.”

    Wonder if that could be why I feel so utterly at home in England? And did I have something to do with horses in another life? I adore them, although I don’t know any personally.

    It’s odd how sometimes you go to a place that’s new to you, yet you feel instantly at home.  That’s happened to me more than once.  I hadn’t been in Munich more than three hours when it shot up to No. 2 on my list of favorite cities, I felt so good there.  And years ago, in the plane coming down to land at Cairns Airport, I thought, “I am really going to like this place.”  And I did.

    Have you had experiences like that too?

  9. Wet and rainy this morning. Rain on the roof most of the night made for good sleep.

    I went to bed with someone who was ‘mad’. Woke up with the same person, a little ‘madder’. I’m glad it’s not directed at me. It will work out as the day goes by and we prepare for a party we are hosting.

    Son must have been bored during their car trip last night. I got two Words With Friends game invites from him. I bet they don’t go far.

    I’m trying to raise some bosons in the back yard. Better go check on them.

  10. Jk2003

    30 going to 43 today with rain.  That will help melt this snow and clean the salty streets I guess.  Glad the sump is fixed.  I am going to a baby shower today.  I have continuing education class all day tomorrow so my husband gets to handle the showing.  Have a great day all!

  11. Really beautiful day in Winston Salem.

    Got great news in the last two days. Medicaid called and said I am eligible for them to pay my Medicare Part B. If I start getting medical expenses I’ll be eligible for Medicaid itself. Social Security finally called back and I am eligible for their highest help in drug copays. Seeing my State Farm agent on Thursday about getting a low cost drug supplement.

    For those who have been asking how I do my art I have a diary up now showing how I do it.

    And today’s picture is “In God’s Eye.”

     photo TheEyeofGod2_zpsd390c6a6.jpg

  12. wordsinthewind

    again because the wind chased it away. It’s warm and heading close to hot today but I know winter isn’t done with us yet. We are now starting the finish on the new windows under close supervision of a friend who is a professional. His work is beautiful so at least I’ll be learning to do it the right way. I’m thinking there’s a reason people pay him so much to do it for them.

  13. pittiepat

    couple of days that the snow is beginning to melt — large patches of grass have appeared.  There are still big “snowbergs” in parking lots and along the curbs but the warmer temperatures and a week-end of rain will take care of them.

  14. Nurse Kelley

    Cats are fed, plants are watered, and a load of laundry is going. Next up: find the top of my desk.

    Mornin’, Khloe!

  15. nchristine

    all day yesterday and slept an awful lot too.  Not much planned here, other than dad asked for help around noon today – pick up some beef and peppers from a local Chinese place on the way over and then do whatever it is that needs to be done.

  16. dear occupant

    well Tom says ‘A spring storm will bring a gusty southerly flow and milder temps to Chicago with possible heavy rainfall totals before weekend’s end.’

    it’s raining to beat the band right now and if this continues, the snow will be totally gone by the time i have to work on Tuesday morning.

    this was always my classic Kleenex moment as a kid.

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    have a great day everyone!

  17. slksfca


    Current: Cloudy

    Wind: W at 8 mph

    Humidity: 82%

    Today’s high in the City: low 60s downtown, probably about 60°F out here by the Park.

    Today I get my first visit from a home therapy nurse. I’m oddly dreading it but plan to put a brave face on the endeavor.

    Hope everyone has a fruitful weekend!

  18. JG in MD

    Alice was sick last night, racing through the house frowing up and leaving wipeys, poor baby. Katie hasn’t eaten much of her food for two days. What’s wrong, what’s wrong?

    I finally figured it out: They’ve been eating the cracked corn I put out for the birds. Eeww. I need to raise the feeders and see that nothing spills onto the concrete. It’s that or keep the balcony sliders closed, and with this pretty weather I don’t want to do that. They love to go out.

    I’m putting spray carpet cleaner on my shopping list. Sigh.

  19. JG in MD

    Just put out a little black iron wire bookshelf with a tray and an improvised bird feeder on it. I’ll sweep the concrete later.

    Sorry to fierce and post and run, but I need to go to the grocery store and buy meat and 2 veg. I’ve been eating beige food for days: bread, crackers, chili-mac… spffpht oops, sorry. TTYL.

  20. slksfca

    The phone just rang, it was the home therapy nurse wanting to come see me. I put on my best just-woke-up-on-the-wrong-side-of-the-bed voice and was able to put her off until noon. Was that bad of me?

    She sounds very determined. Hmmm…

  21. Ebby

    37 degrees and already sunny in the Armstrong Valley this morning.  Nectarine tree is in full bloom, and the buds on my tiny magnolia tree are getting fat!  Little itty bitty green and purple thingies are starting to push out from the bare lilac branches, too.  I need to do some housework but then hope to spend much of the day outside. Task number one will be getting an area prepped for some vegetable beds.

    Wishing a wonderful day to you all.

  22. Via Chicago

    It looks warm and gray outside. Haven’t checked the weather yet, but the snow is melting at a pretty quick rate.

    I’m so tired. I was just about ready to fall asleep at 1am last night when a call came in about a work crisis. It only took about 15 minutes to handle, but I was wide awake and didn’t get back to sleep until about 3:30am.

    I woke up at 8am – probably could have gone back to sleep but I got excited about coffee and got out of bed.

    I see a nap in my future.

  23. slksfca

    …for the home nurse to show up. Then the physical therapist will be arriving at 1:00 or 1:30. I’ve cleaned the place up to the limited extent that I’m able to, am dressed and ready. Now I get to sit and wait, something I’m not really good at.

    I want it to be all over with so I can crawl in bed and just relax, but life is never that simple, is it?

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