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Why Are All the Females at Fox News Blonde?

By: inoljt,

Fox News is the most popular cable news channel in America, and it’s quite unique. Most obviously, there’s Fox’s conservatism. Other differences are more stylistic. A lot of Fox News programs are fairly similar to talk radio, for instance. Indeed, shows such as Hannity actually star on conservative talk radio stations.

Then there are the women on Fox News:


More below.

The women on Fox, whether they be anchors or guests, are quite different from the women found on other news channels. They wear a lot more make-up. They are a lot more, shall we say, blonde.

This holds true as well for their behavior, especially when interacting with men at Fox News. There’s a very strange dynamic at work between the men and women of Fox News. The women laugh, giggle, and say silly things. The male host condescends and says that the women are wrong.


It’s all very strange, even weird. Sure, there’s a time and place for things like this to occur, but this is a news channel. Supposedly.

Fox News, of course, is America’s main outlet for conservatism. One hopes that the higher degree of blondeness of women at Fox News has nothing to do with this. Surely conservatives aren’t that superficial, right?


  1. Diana in NoVa

    lot here in northern Virginia.  The women there, with very few exceptions, have long blonde hair.  Most of the blondes have help from a bottle.  I have got to where I cannot tell them apart.

    The only women anchors I can distinguish are Maureen Bunyan, Jumi Olejbani (sp?), and Alison Starling.  They either have short brown or long brown hair.

    This “I gotta be blonde” thing has got to stop before they all turn into robots.  They do it to get attention, but if everyone is blonde, how will anyone pay attention to them as individuals? It’s like being at a place where you’re expected to be skyclad.  If you and everyone else are without clothes, you blend into the crowd, but if you were to wear a swimsuit, people would be staring at YOU.

    Anyway, the near-universal “blondeness” gives us just one more reason to make fun of our local news anchors

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