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Sunday Morning Herd Check-in: Greetings and Grazings of the Moosekin

  Make sure you let your peeps know where to find you!  

If you are new to the Moose, Kysen left a Moose Welcome Mat (Part Deux) so, please, wipe your feet before you walk in the front door start posting.

The important stuff to get you started:

– Comments do not Auto-refresh. Click the refresh/reload on your tab to see new ones.

– To check for replies to your comments, click the “My Comments” link in the right-hand column (or go to “My Moose”). Comments will be listed and a link to Recent Replies will be shown. (Note: Tending comments builds community)

– Ratings: Fierce means Thumbs Up, Fail means Thumbs Down, Meh means one of three things: I am unFailing you but I can’t Fierce you, I am unFiercing after a mistaken Fierce, or Meh. Just Meh.

– Ratings don’t bestow mojo, online behaviour does.

– Only click Post once for comments. When a diary’s comment thread gets longer, it takes a bit to reload and the comment may not display as quickly. Clicking the Post button twice posts the comment twice. (h/t Khloe)

– When creating a new diary, remember to choose the Draft option (near the bottom) while you are working on it. Choose the Public option when you want to publish it. (h/t Khloe)

– Finally, the posting rules for a new diary: “Be excellent to each other… or else

(Some other commenting/posting/tending notes for newbies can be found in this past check-in and, of course, consult Meese Mehta for all your questions on meesely decorum.)

Here is a great link to have open in a tab: Motley Moose Recent Comments


And if you are a new moose (or an old moose) looking for a second chance to make a first impression, you can start right here.



  1. Khloe

    17 degrees on a beautifully clear morning. If the sun was up, it would be shining.

    I’m off for the next 3 days. I have plenty of chores waiting for day 2 and 3. Today, my goal is to be a very lazy person. Abernathy Pootie is encouraging me in this direction. He seems to have plans for me.

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  2. Moozmuse

    up some rays for my depleted sunshine levels, even if it’s still a little chilly. It should start warming up over the next few days, finally going above freezing nights, too. There’s a little reservoir right across the street that has been turned into a nicely done swimming area, with a path all the way around. A little noisy on warm summer days, but the pros outweigh the cons by quite a bit. Have a nice day, fellow moozoog! I’m out the door.

  3. Ran across this 1979 debate about The Life of Brian, part 3/4 below.

    It really is stunning what blind intolerance dogmatic belief can lead to. I doubt the Christian speakers Malcolm Muggeridge and Mervyn Stockwood have any ability to understand how blind they are, but the debate leaves them as immortalized examples of how dogma can make an intelligent person wholly incapable of rational thought.

    Mr. Muggeridge consistently comes back to the fundamental point that only Christians have accomplished anything of historical import. Bishop Stockwood relies on the retrospectively inaccurate repetition that nobody will ever remember the film. The only point that Cleese and Palin make is that one should always be open to introspection and the churchmen prove the Pythons’ point by being incapable of hearing it.

    Through the magic of word association Youtube puts the following on the sidebar. A modern day example of the hypnotic power of closed thought.

  4. blue jersey mom

    I am enjoying Sunday and making a second cup of coffee. I have a busy week ahead. We invited the students we admitted to the PhD program in archaeology and social anthropology to join us on Thursday and Friday. The archaeologists will be coming to my class on Thursday. Doug and I managed to finish our paper for the the conference in China in April, and I have a first draft of my paper for the archaeology meetings. We applied for our Chinese visa last week, and our visa and passports should be ready on Tuesday. It’s all go.

  5. Jk2003

    I finished LOTR last night.  I had seen them in the theaters when they came out but not since and on a trip to target for a birthday present for one of my daughters friends they were on sale for $4.95 a piece.  I think the second is my favorite.

    13 degrees going to 32 and sunny, sunny,sunny today.  Pretty actually.  Showing this afternoon so we are going sledding.  St Charles has lots of hills to push the kids down and it just wears them out.

  6. It’s cold, but hey! all the way up to 13 degrees now.

    Well, I finished quilting that thing yesterday, having improved the thread tension on the back. But before I quilt the “next” project, I want to do another one, just to test it, make sure things are going fine.

    So this morning I’m going to make a little nap quilt for a 2-year-old great niece. It won’t be very big, about 35″ square, but she isn’t very big, either. Then I can use it as my test quilt for the tension problem, before I start on the more important project.

    Had a nice date with my sweetie last night. We went out for an enchilada, and then came home and watched Bogart and Lupino in High Sierra. Overall the movie did not stand the test of time well, but the acting is terrific.

    Going downstairs to sew. Have a lovely day!

  7. Kind of nice at the moment. Looks like snow coming in mid week though. Oh happy happy joy joy NOT! They don’t know how to drive in rain down here let alone snow.

    Still working like crazy updating art on the website and doing a few new ones like this called Nature’s Salute.

    Nature's Salute photo NaturesSalute_zps33168e3f.jpg

  8. raina

    but warming up quickly to a high of 77. A peek at tomorrow’s high shows it’ll be 86! Zut Alors!

  9. trs

    Currently 32&deg, with an expected high of 37. Iriti has the same weather stats as me, she said to tell you. She and Kidlet are on their way to get pedicures – I’m off to the theatre to make a couple quick lighting adjustments. I got called out to work this morning – someone down the street woke up to 57&deg in their house. Glow coil is out on their furnace. Manager is calling in a furnace repair guy, and in the meantime I took in a couple of space heaters that are capable of heating their whole house.

    I’m off – but you already knew that.

  10. pittiepat

    snow and high temps ranging from 36 to 60.  Folks around here are wishing summer would get here but I bet we’ll have a repeat of the godawful one like we had last year.  Not looking forward to getting into a car with an interior temp. of 118 and that was with the windshield covered.

  11. The day started off nice. The moon was at last quarter out the south windows. I’m watching the juncos and finches gobble up the seed. The juncos will leave when warm weather returns. They go far north.

    The house wrens come back then. I have their house emptied of old twigs and nest material. I gave it a new roof, too. They don’t need a leaky roof.

    I enjoyed the date with Melanie last evening of dinner and a Bogart movie. We watch so few movies. Maybe that will change slightly.

    She seems to have her list of things to do. I plan to catch up on some magazines. Probably play some blues on guitar later. I discovered some new players in a documentary my son sent via the youtube.

    Have an interesting day. Whisper in someone’s ear.

  12. DeniseVelez

    I had a great day yesterday.  Was the guest speaker for the local NAACP Women’s History Month Celebration.  They had a big turnout and honored several local women for their community participation.

  13. HappyinVT

    They are repurposing my position because it violates the audit rules.  I am actually being demoted although whatever my new duties are will be more in line with my pitiful salary so there’s that.  But I’m not driving 45 minutes one way to do some menial functions with no hope of a raise in the future.

    I learned the hard way that it doesn’t matter how helpful you are or how valuable you try to make yourself.  To this compnay it is the position they care about not the actually person filling it.  So my days of answering the phone at home are done.  My days of volunteering to help are done.  My days of giving unpaid minutes are done.  And hopefully my days as an employee of that company are limited.

  14. dear occupant

    did a few errands this morning and at 25, it’s just cold enough to not want to go out again, so i won’t. have lots of writing to do and 8 pairs of pootie and woozle legs to look after here at home.

    a day in the life at the O household…oy.

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    have a great day everyone!

  15. anotherdemocrat

    We’re going to have a memorial for my Mom later, in Amarillo (where she’s from). Will go back next weekend to pack up more stuff. I’ve got a lot of her clothes in my trunk, to donate to my church’s clothes closet. Already, looking through her papers, surprised how much stuff from me she kept.

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