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Open Letter to Cardinal George regarding his comparison of LGBTQI to the KKK

I just could not let this one go without saying something…

Cardinal George set the low bar for reason, respect and atrocity this week in comparing LGBTQI persons and organizations to the KKK.

He is upset that a bunch of queers want to have their pride parade on a street where one of his churches are.  He claims that queer people walking past his church violate his religious freedom.  Here is my open letter to him.

(Posted at SexGenderBody)

Dear Cardinal shitbird George,

Religious freedom means that you can believe whatever you want and you can talk about it with others.  It does not mean that you can use the law to keep people out of sight, who disagree with you or whose existence contradicts your views.  

You can say whatever you want about god in a building you own (without paying taxes while collecting money to pay off victims of your pedophile rapist priests and to deny the rapes ever happened).

But you cannot choose who walks down the city street in front of your church.  

Not everyone shares your faith.  I myself think of god as non-existent and yourself as a deluded, power-drunk man pretending to be god.  

In looking at the KKK, they’re christians.  They burn crucifixes on people’s lawns and have operated with overt and covert support from christian organizations – and still do.

In looking at history, it was the Catholic Church — your employer, who supported Hitler in the genocides of jews, homeless, poor, roma and millions of others.  It was the Catholic Church and Pope who organized the Inquisition, targeting jews and women because people were listening to them instead of the Pope.  It was the Catholic Church who blessed, financed and helped the Atlantic Slave Trade and the genocide of millions of indigenous persons in North & South America as well as the European colonies in the Pacific in exchange for gold, wealth, land and the right to force millions into praying to your god.

There are exactly zero LGBTQI organizations which have done any of these things.  

So, “Mr. blood on his hands from playing god”, if I were you, I’d shut the fuck up and collect my money from the people I’ve already conned into believing in my shitty god story and not draw attention to murders and atrocities, because that shit all points back to your holy doing.

As for my right to parade down the street past your fucking church, I’m going to wear a leather speedo in front of your church, stick my hand in my pants and kiss men and women in front of your church – as is my goddamn right.  In fact, I may stop by tomorrow, during Christmas mass because that is my right as well.

Fuck you.


  1. creamer

    In a Chicago Tribune interview, George said he is “truly sorry for the hurt my remarks have caused.”

    George said he has gay and lesbian family members, and his remarks “evidently wounded a good number of people. I am sorry for the hurt.”

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